GMT800 Tahoe Guy

You’d be surprised how many otherwise intelligent people have no concept of what a Piece Of Shit is, and what owning them entails. My best friend from high school is a an early in his career but already successful accountant. Last year, he bought a rental-spec 2017 Sentra because it was the cheapest thing that met his

I’ve seen those as well, but “making the corner” doesn’t do justice to just how slow Hamilton would have had to take the corner in this instance to stay out of Max’s way. Given all the circumstances, I’d bet my life Hamilton doesn’t just trundle around the inside of the corner rather than run a faster line and hope

The simple fact is that if Max hadn’t cut over so hard, he would have maintained the lead through the corner as he was entitled to, and BOTH cars would have made it through without crashing,

There really isn’t any good to it. Mercedes built a car and sells car at a price that includes the cost for the hardware and software to perform a certain function. Then they tell you that you need to pay more to actually have access to that function. They are ripping off the person who bought the car because they

It sucks because these dopes who just can’t wait for their next car are making it worse for the people who actually *need* one more than anyone else. One of my best friends from college drives a 20 year old CRV with bare-minimum insurance because he works construction and likes to live lean. It got totaled last week

Seriously, there was nothing outlandish or even quirky about Saturn other than it just being a new brand. The cars were just cheap and good.

Same, looking at it, you can *hear* the noises it would make if you hit a decent bump at speed.

Honestly the modern Wrangler wheels are what’s doing it for me. 

Huh, that actually is pretty gnarly.

Also, the naming implies it’s a variation/extension of cruise control, which at this point, it is. Which is a helluva lot better than flirting with terms like Autopilot and Full-Self-Driving.

I don’t know if this qualifies as “buying it for the kid” but this girl from my high school parent’s won $200k raffle and bought an SRT8 Challenger. Then the dad got a work-from-home job and she just wound up driving it as soon as she got her license. She wasn’t a car person, she would just drive a 425hp FR coupe

The things AVs struggle the most with are recognizing objects and predicting their paths.”

1000%. Towing (or at least doing a good job) requires you to pay extremely close attention to the parts of driving that are normally on the more subconscious side of your brain, which is the part AV’s struggle the most with.

JFC, somewhere around 160 is normally when a digital limiter says NOPE, right? This loon probably had his foot to the floor and would have kept accelerating if the car had let him.

I was in the same boat about a year ago. My daily is a Mustang GT and I needed a cheap winter/construction site truck. Wanted to get a GMT800 but it’s really hard convincing yourself to get something 15 years old, even one of these tanks. Wound up getting a 2011 4runner with 160k on the clock instead, which has been

Oh my god yes. The 800's were the cheapest cars to insure in America (all other factors being equal) for this exact reason. On the rare occasion something broke, it was always cheap and easy as hell to fix.

LOL, there’s nothing wrong with liking the 400's, but the 800 is better in almost every way except for the classic squared off look (and the speedometer). To me, having a transmission that will last till at least 300k, a much better interior, and gas mileage that is just terrible instead of comically terrible is worth

I do installs for Tesla supercharging stations, and they are currently moving towards building them in rural towns between big cities that aren’t reachable on one charge. There’s something a little gross about building this $200k station for effectively nobody in the town itself.

Haha, I never got the chance to own one of the pickups, so I never had the tailgate bezel replacement experience.

Neutral: I’m still just peachy from that article about the Sierra tailgate bezel yesterday. My people are the best people.