GMT800 Tahoe Guy

I’ve wondered the same thing myself. I don’t *think* the regulatory bodies shoot anything down, but really, do the manufacturers think nobody would buy a stripped down car without 19 airbags for each passenger? I like to imagine what they could build if they didn’t make the frames so thick now as well. Mainly to see

Yeah, the curb weight of most crossovers is basically the weight of whatever sedan it shares a platform with +2 full grown adult passengers. If two more occupants and a few extra inches of ground clearance make the car that hard to control, then your suspension needs some work.

The weird thing is it really isn’t *that* hard to build a crossover that can manage itself. Most of them pass the moose test. It’s more of an exercise in suspension and stability management systems than anything else. Not something I’d expect from a Toyota.

but had the administration been successful at lowering emissions standards


Are you saying that if the lower standards gambit was successful, with the support of GM, Toyota, etc., at the cost of unnecessary human morbidity and mortality that it DIDN’T mean something?!

This is an extremely good comment, and I hope The Algorithm recognizes it.

Yeah, since the Hummer EV, all there has been the random dumb Tesla/Musk stuff that seems to happen on a weekly basis.

Seriously. Did “siding with the Trump administration on emission standards” actually mean something? Do we really think working on more efficient ICE’s and EV’s wasn’t still part of GM’s long term plan even with Trump in office? This is just good business practice. 

1st Gear:

Not disagreeing, but again, calling those “economical” is relative only to the current new market. You could get a Corolla in 1970 for $8,000 of today’s dollars, almost half of today’s cheapest offering. I don’t want to turn this into a whole hulabaloo about wage stagnation but really, the cheapest cars on the market

Kinda both? Cars are heavier across the board for safety now, which leads to gas mileage not rising how you would expect with modern efficient ICE powertrains. That combined with more expensive cars in general kinda defeats the whole point of subcompacts: Being cheap. If someone needs a cheap car, they just buy used,

Yeah, the Wii was the only thing I really remembered that compared to this, and that was from a time before people would buy 30 and sell them for double.

Exactly the same for me. Or a set that includes a bunch of games you never heard of. At launch, the majority of available games are one-off console exclusives that are kinda fun but normally don’t have much replayability.

I should have worded that better. I know the release shortage has been common with past generations, but this has seemed particularly egregious.

Yeah, I’ve seen some wild ass stuff on twitter where people have like 20 in their kitchen and are selling for $900 each. What’s weird is that you cannot find the lone system anywhere. Everything I’ve found online is packaged with multiple games.

Fair enough. I bought the 4Runner just to do what the Mustang cannot:

I get it. Even in the Limited Trim it still isn’t a Lexus. 

I’m curious whether the current inability to actually get one is a product of people wanting a new gaming system for lockdown, a Covid fueled supply chain issue, or just where gaming culture demand is 2020. I don’t remember seeing and hearing stories like this with the last generation.

No shit? Not sure where he’s located but this seems perfect for him.