GMT800 Tahoe Guy

It will probably create more issues than it solve,


I know, right? If you don’t need this money just to make ends meet, spend it on local business any way that you can. Just hoarding it doesn’t help anyone.

Bingo. I don’t think people quite understand that flattening the curve means doing what we are doing now until at least May.

Times like these, its just good to listen to George Carlin.

Heck yeah. I live in Ukrainian Village and commute to the suburbs. I went to the office get some supplies monday morning and not having the obligatory slowdown on 290 at Austin blew my mind.

And that in turn is why even though the “benevolent dictator” would be the best approach to governing, it would never work because the right person for that job would never beat out someone doing it for the wrong reasons. 

The real victory here too would be that the only people who would be taking jobs at those stores would actually want that job. The most obvious signal of whether or not I am gonna hate my dealer experience is whether or not the salesman gives a shit about cars or the job itself. 

Fair enough. I just would add its not some conspiracy, nor is it “evil”, its just the patterns that appear from people with power acting in self interest.

I have multiple friends who are doctors, and they all have the worst taste in cars imaginable, so this really is ideal. 

IDK if irresponsible is the right way to put it. I think real culprit is edict thatcompanies are beholden to stockholders”, and corporations play by those rules which puts us in these precarious spots. Our system values growth more than it does consistency, security, and stability. And I’m not sure how we change

Precisely. People scream about the ‘08 bailouts, but they really did let the investment banks eat it (skypoint Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns), and they were so far up everyone else’s ass that a lot of the banks paid back the loans ahead of schedule. The regulatory arms of the government are the most functional when

2nd Gear: Kinda weird that the whole government worked like it was supposed to here.

+1. Helping the corporations shouldn’t be perceived as “evil” the way how a lot of people are framing it. The feds just have to give themselves the authority to go elbow deep up corporate america’s ass and verufy the money is being used correctly. That’s how a few of the banks actually paid back the feds ahead of

Agreed. I would just expect something a little edgier for the hotter models. This is good for a base model.

I really hate going “hey everything about this car is excellent but that’s just too much money...

I the interiors since the last gen are of excellent quality, and significantly better than the others in the current generation. FCA knows people tend to go to Ford and Chevy for actual work trucks, so Ram has been focusing on interior and ride quality more than the normal dick-measuring-contest truck specs.

Yeah, Ram deserves credit for starting the whole trend of trucks not just being rectangles back in ‘94, and they have been the most consistently good looking of the bunch since then. I’m also a big fan of the ‘08-’13' Sierras.

I find it hard to believe there is any location that is 10+ hours from a rail yard or depot.

That would be a really good look too, but I’m a bigger fan of a grille without any breaks in it at all. These were my favorite truck design. Simple and functional.