GMT800 Tahoe Guy

Fair! Although that more or less proves that people bought them as boutique items, not for the practicality.

And they weren’t ever doing well, even when gas was expensive as all hell.

a clause claiming that teams aren’t allowed to include suspension that can be manipulated during the race

Good for you. I still remember back when Dodge made a Super Bowl commercial called “God made a farmer” for pickup trucks, and the youtube video comment section was a nightmare, even for a youtube comments section. Like I said, they are just as bad as the Evangelicals. Generating heat vs. light is a very good way of

I’m in IL too. That is fantastic.

There was a janitor at a grammar school I worked at once who drove a Mustang with the license plate: ICUMONU

I agree with this on principle, but odds are the established oil industry finds a way to tip the scales overwhelmingly in its own favor.

I appreciate your appreciation. It feels weird expressing that opinion because it sounds like something a pissy internet atheist would say, which I loathe just as much as evangelicals who thank God for things that people do.

I mean, being able to see something out of the rearview mirror is better than nothing, right? But again, level of thought put into it does not match the premise or the execution. 

The funniest part about this is they reapplied the third brake light in a reasonable spot. This thing looks like it was made with a Sawzall and staplegun in a Home Depot parking lot but yeah, that tailight is going to get it past a safety inspection. Good shit.

Damn straight. It’s kinda funny seeing all the response tweets that say “Our Prayers were answered!” and “Proof that God Exists!” I’m religious myself, but folks, Ryan Newman is alive for one reason:

Good Lord. When we went 2 hours without any news Monday night, all I could think of is that if there was not-horrific news, we would have gotten it. Since that night, we’ve literally gone from “I hope he’s alive,” to “I hope he isn’t a vegetable” to “I hope he can walk” to “JFC HE’S WALKING BAREFOOT OUT OF THE

Not at all disagreeing, but I will use my last breath to argue that any solution to dwindling sports ratings that doesn’t involve less commercials is wrong. You can absolutely pitch various ways of shortening the games themselves (both the NBA and MLB have), but just acknowledge that they aren’t trying to fix the

There is probably some dipshit tv executive who thinks they are going to attract more casual fans buy making the sport jack itself off for three hours before gametime.

Wholeheartedly agree. In the last few years, it feels like forced pageantry has gotten MASSIVELY inflated in all sports. For the CFB playoff they had Trump walk out of the tunnel and then march in formation with a bunch of soldiers. Whether its Trump or God knows whatever else nonsense, it has rapidly become my least

TL,DR: Trump held a rally and a NASCAR race broke out, 

Neutral: The success of the revamped Colorado and Tacoma has spoken for itself, especially when it got Ford to bring back the Ranger. The only question is whether they can get this thing designed and rolled out before the tide turns on big trucks. If it takes 3-4 years to happen, we *could* be on the downward slope

I don’t particularly desire this car, but there is absolutely a community that does, and I don’t think you are going to find a cleaner example than this. It’s currently 56% CP, and I’m not agreeing with that until I see receipts of similar examples going for less.

Now playing

Moving back Abu Dhabi and holding China that previous weekend is probably the lesser of all evils, but it is still a MASSIVE monkey wrench into the team logistics of the sport. This video does a really good job laying out how all the deliveries are layed out months in advance. Changing *anything* on the schedule must