
So you’re saying that a major company who used to not be a union shop is giving their employees who want to unionize difficulty? Damn, that sounds unusual. I would have never thought of that happening.

“Mom, I’m ok but I’m letting you know I’m at the hospital.”

Don’t do meth kids.

A hard separation would cause serious repercussions across the world. Every country’s economy would feel the effect.

Another way to put it, if the UK walks away from the EU without a deal, we’re all fucked!

So I saw in the store the other day that Ninja is releasing a pressure cooker/air fryer combo. Any chance you could see how well of a job it does for both compared to a traditional air fryer and pressure cooker?

1. Binary Captain Marvel bust

What really killed these was the bulk pricing got worse as time went on. 18 paper towels cost close to $40 when I stopped using mine. And this was for the Bounty Basic towels. I could go into the local grocery store a single roll cost of the same product was less than a dollar.

Actually with the most recent generations they do 2 things:

A nurse has several patients and can’t be with all of them at once. 

It does if you wear JNCOs

He hasn’t released anything since GotG 2. So of course he hasn’t made money on anything since then.

I still say Earth is the worst. Sure there is breathable air and drinkable water, but for how long? The primary inhabitants are just the worst to be around.

He looks so happy that he thought of giving football players fast food. Which makes this even sadder.

It’s not just automation that keeping things afloat. It’s also the fact that there are contractor companies that are still doing their part thanks to being pre-funded. Most of them only have about a month’s worth of cash left before the shit hits the fan for them as well.

Strapping them to a car seat is easier. Bonus points if they’re the type to fall asleep on car trips.

That just looks like a mess. Even the Sega Nomad wasn’t that clunky looking.

I’m 33 and I wear shorts on weekends until the frostbite kicks in.

Sorry but fire isn’t a technology. It wasn’t developed, but rather harnessed for human use.

You’re also missing sliced bread and roads

Should have saved this video for Festivus.