
Here’s a tip to all you businesses out there. If the NSA, or some other security agency, says that your system is really easy to hack... THEY’VE ALREADY HACKED IT. They’re just being good neighbors and telling you to fix it before someone else who would do worse things gets in.

I’m enjoying the spirit board more than world of light. Quick battles of varying difficulty with different scenarios thrown on top? Sign me the fuck up!

$1000 for a toaster oven? And one that has an eerily similar name to a product made by iRobot? Yeah this won’t last long.

The fake is the wrong hand. 

AoS doesn’t matter to the movies. Season 6 won’t even start until after Avengers is out in theaters. They’ll completely skip the snap.

You are able to restart the mission provided to try before you get killed.

Is the 3DS version also considered Smash 4 or is it left out of the numerical counting because it was released on a portable system?

Why does everyone say Donald Trump Sr. is Jr’s father when it’s painfully obvious that his dad is Vince McMahon?

Why hasn’t he been deported back to his home country? He isn’t an American citizen.

What are you talking about? That deer just ran through the wall.

If you do join, find a friend. A referral code (that looks like KU65XX) will get you a $20 credit.

He’s not pretending. He just has Dementia.

This is why we can’t have nice things.

This set has been out for a few years. At this point resellers will just be holding onto them until the set is retired.

This set has been out for a few years. At this point resellers will just be holding onto them until the set is

“Tostios presents: A Public Library. Brought to you by Go Daddy”

So this is what we have to look forward to in the future?

Sounds like a great way to get rid of stolen goods for legit ones.

Well if you inhale the ashes you might be in for a bad time. but other than that, it’s just the ick factor.

I feel like a few are missing from this list that should be at least mentioned:

Having a motorized part on a mobile device is just something that will cause the phone to break. You can’t protect the top of the phone with a case and if you drop it and it lands on the top of the phone, you might have broken to the top of it where the camera won’t be able to come out or stay in. Just stick with the

Can we start getting some The Good Place spoilers on here?