
I’m getting tired of public personas claiming that some established media outlets are “fake news” while they have no issues claiming some newer news agencies that have less credibility than The Onion are completely legit.

I think the big issue CBS had was that they were going to make a whole studio and fund/produce content for a year based on the Star Trek name.

The rumor is that the GL movie is a movie about the corps. It WILL include Jordan, Stuart, Rayner, and possibly Gardner.

Now playing

Counter-counter-counterpoint: Sexx Luthor

I think we’re missing the bigger story. He came up with his own logo for being president elect.

It looks bigger in his tiny hands.

I feel like fermenting something will take too long (weeks) and booze has been done to death. I say let’s do coffee.

but I am A negative person.

O no.

The timestamp on each post as a direct link.

I was robbed!

You’re Welcome

How about not giving them badge access until they’ve done their time. A volunteer badge can have what their job should be and at what time on it. If they’re trying to get into the dealer’s room at any time with that badge except for their shift, it won’t work.

With the agriculture production we have today, world hunger is a political problem and not a supply one. The fact that we’re moving towards being able to efficiently grow our food in smaller locations and with better crop yields tells me this problem won’t be coming around anytime soon.

Oh how I hope it was a big ole’ bag of dicks.

There’s more to space than Mars.

How could we even prepare for an asteroid strike? Prepare 2 prototype space shuttles and send Bruce Willis and Aerosmith to blow it up?

I’m not sure what’s more disturbing. The fact that we sold more arms than the next 9 guys combined or that we have $40 billion worth of weapons we can sell to the highest bidder.

The best we can hope for is that they wisen up in 2 years and vote differently.

This slightly disappoints me that it didn’t work well. I do wonder if beef or pork would have made a difference in the cooking compared to the chilies.