
They should have waited a few months so that they could go on full advertising mode for new college students. A full computer at a tablet price is enticing to any parent that's sending their kid off to college.

I think it's worth mentioning that for $69.99 you can also get unlimited storage on OneDrive, plus Office 2015 for one PC for a year.

So chemtrails are sent out via rocket too!

DC is fixing to have a great jumping on point for all of their books in June with the end of convergence.

Did they have any issues with the Barbie that had a camera built into her? That thing screamed Pedophiles wet dream.

Wireless internet isn't the same as broadband. Stop lumping your cell phone provider in with your ISP.

This is Node 2 (aka Harmony) You can tell since the stickers pointing towards the two doors say (to COL and to JEM)

You know what they call alternative medicine that works?

That tracking anklet bracelet of the Microsoft Band is looking pretty now.

I feel that this list is missing some major cities on the list. I haven't read all of the criteria for who was counted but Houston, Dallas, and other US cities that are bigger than San Fran weren't included.

They are separate colors, but very close to being the same.

I can't tell what's going on on these charts. IF you wanted to make them easier to read, you could have grouped similar bacteria together. (all of the soil bacteria group together, etc.)

Sally Ride

Because no one want to read your Pokemon fanfic with poor grammar.

I get what he's saying here and it makes sense. If your audience has to look up a word, it will break them from being immersed in your story. By keeping the wording simple, it keeps your reader engaged and has your story flow more naturally.

they generate will go towards powering the operations of the tower's operations.

A trick I learned a while back is getting gift cards at Grocery stores works to your advantage the best (especially at Kroger's).

Ohh a lightsaber cheese knife!

8) Infinity chaps (ass-less is preferred)

There's an old saying "A computer is only as smart as its user." I think the same saying applies here.