
Nope. My wife and I have a tradition to order Pizza and watch the latest Disney classic to come out on Blu Ray. Coincidentally enough, Disney has always released a classic on Blu ray the week of Valentine's day for a few years now.

This is how most daycares are. Unless you have a medical exception, you're kid can't stay here.

Ashley, can I interest you in a free trial to e-harmony?

A banana with a boner.

The easy way the drawers couples have won its just ask for half of Loki's head. I think they could she that since they own all of his head but only claim half of it would be an acceptable payment.

Nokia Lumia phones. They have a high sensitivity touchscreen that allows for you to use them with gloves on.

Nokia Lumia phones. They have a high sensitivity touchscreen that allows for you to use them with gloves on.

I'm not sure of what I'm looking at, but I want it.

When they did that, they actually turned their backs to the people who they are supposed to serve and protect. They elected him into office and he is just a representative of the people.

I need a picture of this next to sad Keanu.

These aren't kid proof. 5 minutes with my toddler and these will have either caused a broken nose or window pane.

You're a terrible person for not thinking about your niece until today.

So is this the third time Chris Pratt has had a Lego figure of himself?

and a Happy New Year. <Blam>

I remember last year a silly post was going around showing people to save $1 incrementally every week to have a bunch of cash by the end of the year.

It was over budget because funding was taken away from it. It became behind schedule when it didn't have the funding to continue.

Actually that was filmed at Johnson. And most of the "cast" was 20-something interns.

What I find funny is that these videos are filled with a bunch of 20-somethings "doing work." I'm one of the youngest people in my department at Johnson Space Center , and I have been for 6 years) and I'm pushing 30.

So what are you playing right now? Drive Club?

But during a DDoS attack it's hard to tell what's a legitimate request and what IPs are a part of the attack.