
To be fair, I have no idea any of those acronyms existed. mostly because I'm not a 13 year old teenage girl talking to my bff Becky (because Karen is such a bitch).

They're still pinging the servers and a response of sorts is needed. When your server is hit by several computers at once it doesn't take long before it just gives up.

You really can't stop a DDoS attack. You can at best try and mitigate it.

Sony just can't catch a break.

You're heart will stop!

$20 for a hidden spray can fire extinguisher... bad idea and too high of a cost.

Delicious poison.

Then go out and buy another extinguisher. This isn't a good idea at all.

This just in: Ahole has apologized to the world for canceling your elevator floor.

So when the new credit cards come out with the chip in them, will they also change over ATM cards to have the chips too?

Is he Mexican?

Pop Pop?

Look! It's red Batman!

Wh I hear the phrase "Apple Jobs Post" I start thinking of Steve Jobs stuck on a flagpole.

2 things.

Your Cortana reminder got mixed up with Google Now and Siri talking back to you. I just tried it on my Windows phone and it set up the reminder to recur only once.

This really isn't 3D like most cartoons are today. It feels more like "we used a computer to draw and animate instead of using ink and pens".

The big difference between the two is their origin. Feminism started as a movement to give women equal treatment as men. The men-haters latched on later. Gamergate started with "gamers" bashing women. The integrity in gaming journalism came along later.

That you have tiny little boy arms.

I would gladly buy this... at $200. At $500, it's just way too expensive for that it does.