Every time I think they can't make a costume worse at DC, they prove me wrong. Newsflash, DC - this is Superman and this is Wonder Woman:
Every time I think they can't make a costume worse at DC, they prove me wrong. Newsflash, DC - this is Superman and this is Wonder Woman:
Irony now...irony tomorrow...irony forever!
Metric system, amirite?!?
Jesus, just wait till these people encounter real first-world problems.
The twist is that the author of this e-mail was Tyler the entire time (spoiler alert).
I don't know how much of a douche Tyler is beyond complaining about a lack of parties in a dorm, but I get the sense that the guy that wrote this e-mail is way douchier.
I hope this kid emailed back "lolol didn't read."
evidently, you had no party to go to last night, and unfortunately, will have even less in the future.
SNAAAKE?! We will miss you David Hayter.
And a little Handsome Jack too.
Robins DLC is a postscript to the main story, so you don't have to replay the entire game to get to it. The DLC is called Harley Quinns Revenge.
At least so far Rocksteady's insisted that the Arkham Knight is an original character created for the game. While they could be bluffing, I think it would be best if they weren't — it feels appropriate that they'd want to insert something of their own in their last game in the franchise.
I'm still convinced the arkham knight is Alfred. That would be a curveball of all curveballs.
It isn't Jason Todd. Red Hood has a story pack for Arkham Knight.
All this kid needed was 1,200 to get it done?
For the budget I'm sure they're working with, that was thoroughly enjoyable. I'm actually interested to see more. From a fully-funded feature film I'd expect a hell of a lot more obviously, but for a fan project like this? That was gold.
And only one of them makes you hungry for a Jill sandwich.
The funny thing is, I can't even remember how I ended the conversation. It confused me to the point where my memory stopped working or something. I think we ended up with "Green, it tastes green."
Ugh, I hate the people who are just impossible to explain anything to. I had a conversation about pesto this week that went like this: