
Okay, everyone says this, but on my 360 I was able to change it at least twice cause I was asked in the beginning and then like 2 days later it just popped up asking me again. Did that happen to anyone else?

All I got from that video is that he really, really likes the color orange and that he might not know what a platypus is.

No way! Celebration Time!

Reading is fundamental.


I really want to believe RDJ was being facetious throughout... but I'm not sure I can.

As an aside... really? It's OK to ask about penis size? If someone asked me my cup size I'd respond with a verbal Heisman. Jeez.

Lighten up, Francis.

I recently was on another sight discussing the catcalling video when a woman commented "that's how I met my husband." It's like when you have a neighbor who's a slob and you end up getting cockroaches. Some women do respond. They fuck it up for the rest of us.

Right?? Like those guys that yell 'Alright darlin'? How about it?' When you are on your way home at 3 am. Well sir, I was planning on going home but now that you have scared the shit of me and made me really uncomfortable I think I'd like to have sex!

Because we're really good at football and really bad at pretty much everything else. You'd focus on football too if the only other things your region led the nation in were obesity, illiteracy, racism and poverty.

Beer, probably Keystone Ice.

I just shot the guy and threw him off the balcony.

Pretty disappointed in this game. I played so much of it and after a while realized that it just wasn't nearly good enough to merit any more playtime. From all the original reveals and even the things that the devs would say- to the actual release and the hobbled grinding game it is now I don't think the game is worth

Yeah, it was Fallout 3 for me too.

When you can easily just break into the room in tenpenny tower anyways

This. When I replayed the game as an ahole in the wasteland just killing and plundering this made me feel bad.

One of my three favorite games, but I felt awful playing as an evil character when I was trying to get the level 30 achievement. It was distressing how much easier the game was to kill everyone in your path.

This was my vote as well, but I was going for all achievements, and thus it was a requirement.

No regrets

I know I'm probably gonna get shit for this, but this is exactly the type of comparison that proves why it's okay for some people to game on consoles. Yes, it's much sharper on the PC, but we're not talking about the type of night and day difference that's really going to make people salty for not only a high-end PC;