
Way to completely misread the article! Bravo!

It's obvious, she's searching for clothes.

So give us a new protagonist. Resident Evil swapped out Jill and Chris for new faces after their adventure (and you can argue that they're now experts and thus the games are less scary with them in the lead). Silent Hill constantly swaps in new faces (and even if you're a Silent Hill expert, Heather the teenage girl

No, you're not. Because if it's not something you have a desire to enjoy then how can you be missing anything? I get so sick of people pushing their own opinions and thoughts on others as if because THEY enjoy it, EVERYONE must.

I know! I also used to read the manuals before starting a game. It feels so much better getting into a game when you are slightly prepared. I remember getting the Fallout 3 GotY edition. It came with a sizable manual and I spent the whole morning reading it, trying to figure out which perks and skills I would

Yup. Also Motes of Light can also be used to buy exotic items. I really hate how a lot of games now don't even come with a basic manual. I don't expect to be handheld the whole way, but at least let us know the basics. I shouldn't have to google what spinmetal does....

mmhmmm. It can and will work with randoms. They should allow matchmaking and allow for people to chat to each other during it automatically. I guarantee any group of sufficient intelligence and gear would be able to tackle the raid as well as a coordinated group - especially as the strategies for it become more widely

The delay for AC is understandable. There'll be women in the movie, and they take longer to render.

"or because when I get angry I black out for several hrs and wake up with no memory, wearing nothing but a pair of shredded purple pants...".

Wow. Looks incredible. I love the ending, with the FF arpeggio playing and Noctis saying "It's been a long time coming. Almost there." SURE HOPE SO.

Seriously, any dude that uses "libations" (or even worse "m'lady") who is not dressed in period-accurate reproduction clothing needs to be drawn and quartered. The Queen has so ordered.

It's honestly incredible how well they translated this art into the actual game, the environments are the best I've ever seen because it just feels like you're running through concept art. Typically games have this gorgeous and epic art and while the environments are clearly well inspired by it, they rarely ever

There are rulers of nations that are not old enough to smoke. Circumstances make a very, very big impact on things like money. Which is not what I am talking about at all! ..how ironic.

A few years ago I had a friend who was 100% straight not at all interested in women romantically or sexually and I genuinely lost count of how many shows with lesbian relationships that she exposed me (queer, interested in ladies) to. She got me to watch The L Word, for crying out loud. It was one of her favorites.

Sharks are reason #45634 why I don't go in the friggin ocean.

Bikes have different speed and abilities at different qualities. Ships are just cosmetic like emblems/shaders/most of the "class armors". Like basic bike has boost, green adds in air brakes, and the next one up adds in an evasive side boost I think.

It would be nice if we could time travel, too! The trailer came out an hour after the news of the dates and features broke. We've run the trailer in a separate post since then. It's a cool trailer. The dogs look really good, of all things!

You ever think that maybe there's a good reason as to why it's coming later? Like maybe they need longer to optimize it? I highly doubt Rockstar is just sitting there twirling around in their chairs being like "FUCK U PC GAMERS!!!" so take a breather there, pal.

anyone play with the purple beach ball in town? me and like 6-8 other people spent like 45 minutes messing around with it. hilarious things ensued.

OMG OMG OMG the love of my life, Wee-Bey, is out of jail and ready to mingle!