
He didn’t know there was no season pass before typing two sentences on the internet.

I’d love to see a grizzled, scarred up, old Ripley still fighting The Company and of course the Aliens.

“Flappy ol’ ham sandwich “

I’m leaning towards his original motivation because in Civil War he says something along the lines of “If you can do what we can and you don’t and somebody dies, it’s on you.”

They stated a couple of years ago that they wouldn’t retread the origin story(thank The Celestials!) At best maybe a flashback if at all.

Makes sense.

I wish I could give you many many stars.

I genuinely wonder what the response would be if Alamo did a Black folks only screening of Black Panther.

I’m always curious about the parallels of systemic forms of sexism and racism. Particularly in how people respond to either.

I haven’t seen it yet as I’m at TV capacity at the moment so no new shows for me just yet. I’ll get to it eventually.

That scene from Kung Fu Hustle...
Holy shit. One of the funniest things I’ve ever seen.
God I want KFH 2.

Sweet fancy christ that guy just cannot draw at all...
I mean Jesus!
How did he actually make a career in comics?

So I’m curious- If this where to gain legal traction could a doctor refuse treatment of a woman in labor on the grounds that he/she is protecting his/herself against possible litigation?

But they still could have created some interesting team-up flicks.
Maybe not all the X-Men and all The Avengers at once but I’d have plunked down my hard earned to see Hulk vs Wolvie. Or Beast, Banner, and Stark save the world with science and smash.
It could have been done it would just require careful handling.

Step up when you got some real skill, bruh!
My figures stand 1.5 microns!
You can’t even see the sweet paint skills I got!

It is a bit of a mess. So many unfinished or outright terrible effects.
But as I said I still enjoy it. And in that much I suppose I have to say it somehow inexplicably manages to limp through the finish line

The other guy got that I was making a joke.

I still like the show.
It’s had some confused moments in it’s story-telling but overall I still consider it a quality horror show.
However quite a few of my friends have sworn it off and I can’t imagine they’re alone in that.
My gut tells me it’s maybe got 3 more seasons left in it before all the remaining good will is

Ya know what?
I’m good. I’m not a big graphics hound. I just like fun shit that lets me blow things up with my friends.
I will likely never look at my tv and wish it was upscaled.

His Hellblazer work with Garth Ennis was a turning point for me in what I thought comics could do.
His work is very important to me and I’m genuinely bummed he’s gone.