
It was a weird and clumsy game but I can’t deny that I really enjoyed the first one quite a bit when it came out.

Getting splattered by the Hellpod of the teammate you just called in is always hilarious.

Hell Divers is the game that revitalized(and by proxy almost ruined me for) twin-sticks.
Lots of depth and strategy and if you’r playing with a communicative crew you can really work together in some slick ways.
It’s easily one of my favorite co-op titles on the PS4.

Well damn...
That’s some serious stuff.
But for me it’s the poseable headband extensions that really seal the deal

So Wonder Woman IS real!

Also agreed on Dragon Age.
Standout world building in those games. I find virtually every aspect of it at least somewhat fascinating. And the characters genuinely feel like they live under their respective nation’s banners.
I’m definitely a fan.

Exactly my take on it.
Everything just felt so completely monochromatic.
It’s technical aspects were fine. It looked nice, played well, had some stellar voice acting(Some).
But I just found the world and it’s inhabitants utterly dry. And I can’t even remember what the hell the story was about.

Holy Shit! So it’s not just me that finds Witcher to be pretty dull!

I had such a crush on her back in the day.
She was like some kind of gigantic, unholy union between Brian Bolland’s and Adam Hughs’ Wonder Woman.
Just an incomprehensible cocktail of curves, hair, and muscle.

Ming Na Wen is a freaking delight in virtually every way but for my money she’s way too old for the role.

I was ready for Kratos to die by about an hr in to the 3rd game.
All the yelling and weird unnecessary torture deaths he dishes out were a bit much by then.

I think you should do a daily update.
It would be like 500 days of Kristin, only interesting.
G’night, folks!

This just sounds terribly cool!

I agree. She would be pretty amazing for it.

I haven’t played these since they were new but I really enjoyed them both. They’re sci-fi/horror grindhouse stories.
Everyone in it is either a crook, a victim, or some kind of damn demon thing.
And I recall them having far above the average voice acting for the time.
They weren’t going to be the next big thing but they

I know I’m not alone in my disappointment that this didn’t immediately lead to Giant Atomic Super-Boars.
Some day, Japan... some day.

Easy for you to say, Mr Flying Squid!

Yeah that one still stings.

Well DC is slogging through some seriously self imposed shite these days.
I’m a loooooong time DC guy but even I won’t touch ‘em these days.
Point being it’s not hard to dislike stuff when that stuff is utter crap.

You are a bad person and you should feel bad!