
I had a little trouble with that at first too. But she grew on me quick and I just took her as one of those kids who’s genuinely smarter than most and passionate about her interests. It’s not like they don’t exist.

I thought The Visit was pretty damn good. And creepy as fuck!

These pieces always leave me with such a deep hatred of humans.

My ex and I recently put a relationship of 10 years to bed and that was one of the first things I did.

I just can’t do it.

The Gamestop on 14st near the food emporium.


That’s crazy talk.
What is this... this “New” you speak of?

Personally I think the general fatigue of open world crime games is indicative of the fact that devs don’t take as many chances anymore.(Indie devs notwithstanding)
We live in the world of gaming franchises, sequels, copy-paste gameplay and stories, and very little original thinking in terms of application and

From what I hear Japan doesn’t really care if Xbox releases anything over there

Yeah I figured there would be about as much difference from Bayonetta 1 as there is between any Devil May Cry edition, give or take.

That’s a terrible thing to say!
Possibly quite true but still terrible!

That was such a bummer!
I really liked Bayonetta. It was the first of that game type that I was that in to in a really long time.
I still hold out hope.
I know it didn’t do well despite the glowing reviews. So maybe they’ll try to recoup the losses by spreading some of that sweet Bayonetta action around.
Some day...

I wouldn’t mind owning one but I’m at my console capacity right now.
And while there are some titles I’d like to try the only two I really want are ZombiU and Bayonetta 2.
For now I will wait and watch and probably wait some more.

Yeah that’s the thing.
I have one friend who has one and I just can’t bring myself to buy a game for a console I don’t own or buy a console for 2 games.

Does it feel good?
Crushing my hopes and grinding them to dust?
Does it?

Seriously though I really want to play Bayonetta 2 so that kinda sucks.

Now if we can just get Bayonetta 2 over here we’ll be in business!

Lords of Acid was big on my sex playlist back in the day.
NIN too.
Now I’m thinking about how much more sex I used to have.
Thanks for that.

That’s on my Top 10 list of anime.
I haven’t been much of an anime fan since like.... 1995 maybe. But Black Lagoon really got it’s hooks in me.
So unapologetic, occasionally deep, and unusual in it’s exploration of some truly dark subject matter.
Also - Killer maid with a shotgun umbrella.

That boy’s got style!