
When I was a teenager two friends of mine(Step brother and sister) used to fool around and eventually started having sex.
Personally I didn’t think anything of it. I knew there was a social taboo but they weren’t related by blood in any way so I didn’t see the big deal.
I think if anything I was a bit jealous because

About 2 or 3 centuries ago I worked at a deli counter in a supermarket.
This was considered an upscale place to buy ones food(for reasons I could never quite fathom) anyways I have always been terrified of Deli slicers.
Everything about them screams horrible tragedy.
So I got a job requiring that I use one several times

As a console guy I don’t tend to keep up with the goings on of PC titles. Bit of a bummer though. I mean I don’t have a problem with them devoting resources to making new heists as I’d rather have those. But it would have been nice if they announced that they decided to do so without being pressed for it.

Yeah what is that? I set it for friends only and suddenly 4204Lyfe_DarkAssassin88_NoobKiller shows up and blows the whole job!
It doesn’t happen often at all but it did happen last night.

Well the PS4 version worked perfectly right out of the box.
Just like Arkham Knight. ;)

I know PD2 on PS3 was about half the actual game.
It never got a lot if any of the DLC that dropped on PC.
That was part of the new gen release strategy. That this version for consoles would have everything that has come out on PC.
I’m not certain if that’s actually the case but I can definitely say it has a lot more

Not sure what platform you’re playing on but it is mentioned during the tutorial section on the PS4.
My crew and I have really been wondering if any of that was actually going to happen.
Not that we spend all that much time in our safe houses but it would be nice to have it be a little personalized for when we do.

PS4 is solid too.

I’ve had great luck with randos on Payday 2.
Like I usually get on before most of my regular crew and I’ll try to run the Hoxton Escape on Overkill for a quick few million and 9 out of 10 times I find a great(if not mic’d up) crew to run with.
I’ve definitely experienced the asshole who sits in the corner(usually

“That’s awesome! It’s also terrifying. Mostly awesome, though!”
Ok now the correct way to end that sentence was:
“That’s awesome! It’s also terrifying. Mostly awesome, though... Mostly.”
How did you miss that GB?!

Not for nothing but Penguin is gross and skeevy and a complete lech and he treats women poorly. Him calling Harley a harlot or trying to buy her seems pretty in keeping with his character.
He’s not a nice man.
At all.
I’d be more troubled if he treated her with dignity and respect as that would be distractingly

Well I think once we all got around to seeing how Destiny was half a game right out of the box you just had to know that this kind of thing was coming. That the game would end up costing a ton to get the full experience.
Or even half the full experience.
It ‘s a shame as it actually has a lot of well crafted features

Well I think once we all got around to seeing how Destiny was half a game right out of the box you just had to know that this kind of thing was coming. That the game would end up costing a ton to get the full experience.
Or even half the full experience.
It ‘s a shame as it actually has a lot of well crafted features

I’m gonna grumpy old man out and say I kinda hate this.
Not so much Mecha-Batman(Which I don’t like anyway) but Gordon without the mustache. That’s like having Bullock without the gut. Or *shudder* skinny Amanda Waller...
I remember when Batman was about a lone broken man who pushed his body and mind to the absolute

That is some stellar stuff and that’s no lie but I’ll never be completely at home with armored up Batman.
Long underwear or nothin’!


I’m confused as to how anyone in their right mind thought this woman was Black.
Like even a little Black.
As in there is very much nothing about this woman that rings out as Black.
Seriously she looks like my friend’s sister. My very Irish, very French, very White, friend’s very Irish, very French, very White sister.

It is pretty god damned stellar.

DC’s books have disappointed me quite a bit over the past bunch of years so they’re on an extended time out while I indulge some other publishers.

Less modest true but that is still the least sexy Harley I’ve ever seen.
I kinda like that she’s showing all this skin but it’s not really sexy at all. She’s just a gross little wild-eyed lunatic with body parts in her fridge.
And I dig how it’s less a costume and more like shit she found in one of her victim’s closets