That page with Supes in the weird torn up black jacket...
That page with Supes in the weird torn up black jacket...
Exactly what I thought of.
That was easily there strangest interaction between two human beings I’ve ever seen.
Michelle Beadle just became my favorite TV personality.
Wonder Woman looks great. And stubby ears, black and grey uniform, and bulky utility belt always win for Batman.
Yeah but in the mouth is one of the best ones!
I mean hey if she can find someone to match her neurosis than where’s the harm?
I love this comment and I would totally go down on you base solely on the merits of it.
As someone who couldn’t care less for achievements, trophies, etc I kinda love this.
Is that really a thing?
When I play GTA Online sometimes if I get a bounty on me I dump my car and see if I can make it back to my apt on foot.
I think I actually just injured myself geeing out on this.
You’re a werewolf.
I actually still have this in the box from when I was a wee lad.
It wasn't for collector purposes. I just loved that big tucker robot so much that I refused to leave him unprotected. He always went in the box when I was done playing with him.
Recently came across it while cleaning out my mother's attic.
Kinda freaky to…
Wrist blades?!
Really, DC?
Why are they so stuck in the 90's over there?
I just know that somewhere among the cast off designs there's one with a bunch of pockets.
Yeah that's pretty messed up.
Men really should be better educated on the workings of the female anatomy.
I mean I thought everyone knew by now that women have pubic hair so as to seal in the secrets and lies held deep within their nethers.
How is this not common knowledge?!
Shaving really is the bane of my hygiene life.
I know how to do it but I just hate it so much that I have picked up the habit of skipping it and just using a buzzer to stubble it. Then I do a little shaping with a disposable.
This might seem like it's more complicated than just shaving.
That's because it is.
I will not…
Was it because you could hold ten billiard balls in your mouth at the same time?
Because that was why they called me Tenman.
Also because I have a 12 inch penis.
I didn't go to a good school.
Ah the product of a top drawer education!