
Is there some kind of physiological correlation between being an entitled little shit and looking like an entitled little shit?
This is the face of pure unadultrated fuckwitism in action.
Look at that mug.
That is truly a face that reeks of cuntitude.
Like I saw the pic before I read the piece and I just KNEW

I looooooove Jennifer Hale's voice.

Oh! Duh on me.
I somehow completely forgot about that.
Oh well... I'm dedicated to finishing Origins before Knight comes out so maybe down the line I'll go back and give it a go

I thought Robin only had challenge mode stuff and no story dlc.
Don't tell me I'm gonna have to go back and play it again.
I still haven't finished Arkham Origins...

I would buy that game twice.

I don't even have the words to describe the sheer unadulterated awesome contained in your comment.

Did not know that.
Wow so they're finally putting in actual story content and not just skins for the challenge maps?
Very cool.

So is The Arkham Knight supposed to be Jason Todd?
As in are we looking at a kind of retelling of Under The Red Hood mixed with Knightfall?
I've thought so since the first trailer launched.
Seems a bit obvious if you ask me.
Who knows-Maybe they'll hit us with a curve ball

God that was painful.
I think it hurt so much it caused me to spontaneously travel the expanse of time and space just to witness that event so my brain could resolve and accept such stupidity as being truly real.

Sweet Crom in His mountain...
Between these stories and the recent study concluding that 1/4 of all Americans don't know that the Earth orbits the sun...
I just can't do humans right now.

Totally reminds me of Ultima!
Sitting here trying to figure out where I've seen something like this and I couldn't remember the damn name!

But only one has The Master of Unlocking

I bet you a if you asked Patricia Arquette when women got the right to vote she'd say August 18 1920.

I saw them at CBGB's back in 78.
Best concert of my life! It changed me, man.

You, sir are an absolute treasure!

Eastern Promises: The Video Game

Well I will say this for what I've seen/read about this game- While I do think 5 hrs is a short run for a game I'm more bothered by the fact that they felt the need to repeat a boss battle in that short a time.
That to me is pretty troubling. I mean if you can't summon enough imagination or effort to conceive of and

You really can't say France isn't racist as a blanket statement.
Perhaps it's less ingrained in the basic pillars of it's society like here in America but like anywhere else on earth it exists there as well.
I've had some delightfully racist moments visiting France with my very very white gf(I'm very very not white)

Yeah I've got one like that from my past.
It's amazing how fast "I love you" turns in to having my favorite Godzilla coffee mug smashed over the back of my head for buying a book she didn't think I should have.

Thank you.
I hoped to sway you with my concise breakdown of the salient points.