
You might want to check out John Wick.
Surprising no one more than myself, it's my pick for best actioner of 2014.
Simple, kinda charming, to the point, and rocking some super slick gunplay.

What in the hell is going on with Zod's outfit?
Did the story involve traveling back in time to the 90's for a superhero shopping spree?
Also why is DC so stuck there in terms of their visual talent?
That whole Jim Lee pantheon of artists has got to move on.

I hit that wall about a month and a half in.
On the other hand I started playing Warframe again recently and it immediately hit me how superior that game actually is to Destiny in quite literally almost every respect.
It also was very evident just how much Destiny cloned Warframe.

I would totally be more interested in what you have to say if you didn't say it like such a cunty little cock.

When my sweet sweet Gillian says it it's the most comforting thing I've ever heard in my life.

When my sweet sweet Gillian says it it's the most comforting thing I've ever heard in my life.
Say it again!

I hate to say it but he's kinda right, folks.
It's still some dude dropping poo on the sidewalk and that is what it is.
But it was strangely compelling in it's own terrible way.

Kate Upton can try to sell me anything she wants.
I probably won't buy it whatever it is.
But I'll really enjoy watching her try.

For serious.
Me dear old mum is the reason I'm a gamer 35 years and running. We played the hell out of Atari and practically lived at our local arcade.
She was 100% OG and rocked Dig-Dug like a Jedi!

Well if nothing else you get a few extra points for the use of the word "unit"

Super jazzed for this! Hope it makes it to the states.
I loved Dragon's Dogma. And now 4 player co-op too?
Yes please!

It's that long haired hippie Superman from post-Doomsday!

Well being as this is a gaming blog site I'd think he's being pretty much appropriate to the presented topics at hand.

Well being as this is a gaming blog site I'd think he's being more or less appropriate to the presented topics at hand.
So yeah... Judge less.

That's off-road country!
Get some friends and some dirt bikes and it's on!

It's nice to see today's young women focusing on such important matters.
Ladies and gentlemen! Our futures are secure!

Now playing

That creepy one with the kid....
Brought me right back to this-

I would if I wanted to give the cops bad info and help the hostage takers.
But that's just me.
Ol' Taffy's always checking the angles.
Anyway there were lives at stake.
Why on earth would you blindly take the word of a total stranger in this situation? That just seems terribly irresponsible.
If he was wrong or lying and

Ok let's look at it like this.
You're a cop.
You are managing a hostage situation and lives are in the balance(or some other tense dramatic cliche of your choosing)
Some random guy comes up and says "Hey I just got out of there. I can help."
Do you decide to trust the random stranger with the lives of not just your fellow

Well he wasn't beaten, maimed or killed so...