
I'm all about the Titan.
Mainly because it has similar skills to the Vanguard class in Mass Effect with the charge and ground slam. I loved the crazy, up-close, frenetic combat style that you could adopt in that role and this delivers it's own version well.
Plus bullet sponging makes me feel like a badass. Especially

Ugh... I adore Mass Effect but that was several shades of wrong.
And making her a potential love interest made the whole thing feel kinda icky too.
It sorta felt like they were throwing her to the horny geek wolves.
Bad play all around if you ask me.

"And how come there is no mother-son equivalent in the culture that wouldn't be mocked relentlessly?"
There is a mother-son equivalent. And it is mocked no more or less.
Any boy who has brought a girl home to meet their mother and had mom respond with irrational and inexplicable disdain has experienced this.
It exists.

Ships are total vanity pieces. Nothing more than a means to show a little individuality during the transition/warp drive sequences. Plus it just looks cool having all these different ships swoop in for a mission.
Speeder bikes however can have better engines(speed) and armor. Still I don't really see much point as

I need that pink one!
Pink is my clan color.
I've noticed that when someone gets chumped by a pink soldier or in the case of GTAOnline run over by a giant pink truck it somehow tends to enrage them more so than if it were say a blue or green one.
Somehow it reads as more obnoxious or something.
Maybe it's an implied

There's a soccer ball around there somewhere too.
Decent physics on it as well.

Hell even if they gave us icons to float over your character's head indicating you are looking for a group for missions. That would be nice
Even make icons specific to each planet so others can just look at you and know you want people for Venus missions or Earth or whatever.
I don't specifically need chat but some way

How YOU doin'?

That's just special!

If all the crazy wasn't a turn off than this surely was -
"I don't really do the sending of a message thing though, that's up to you."
Oh grow some ovaries and leave the passive woman role in the closet!

She seems nice.

Well to be fair, Brian you still haven't actually seen black cheese.
Black processed cheese-food stuff?
But cheese?
Not so much.

Dreamcast was hands down the best venue for 2D fighters.
That and Jet Set Radio.
Always for Jet Set Radio
Actually when I get home I'm gonna dig mine out and get busy with some Street Fighter 3rd Strike! Maybe a little Capcom Vs SNK!

Yes! Valkeria Chronicles! Great game!


I personally didn't care much for Monsters.

Remarkable that you were able to get such a firm hold of the story and characters (or lack thereof) from a 2 minute trailer.

Never played a Persona game.
I'm aware of them but know nothing beyond jrpg's with characters who can hulk out in to their persona forms or something like that.
Anyways I'm not a huge jrpg guy. I've played a few requisite Final Fantasy editions and a few tactical/strategy ones like... Dang! Totally can't recall the

Considering I tend to get my game on whilst clad in nothing but my skivies, no. No it is in fact quite unlikely that I will look this cool playing Destiny.

Which one? The 7 foot tall roadblock or the little basketcase on wheels?