
So reading this story has got me thinking.
We as a culture tend to poke fun at virtually any and every atrocity us horrible humans can come up with.
I mean I recently watched a movie where the running joke throughout was character after character being maimed and killed in increasingly absurd ways.
Anyways I started to

This is a very sad situation.
Nobody wins here.

I'm one of those table gaming weirdos!
And I have not now nor have I ever had need of something called a "Rape Room".
I have a lovely "Murder Shed" though. I'm quite proud of it. Built it myself.
But that's completely different!

This generally isn't something I've followed so I might be wrong but haven't all the Xbox consoles done kinda badly overseas?

I'm guessing that is because he was using a device that was hindering another customer from utilizing their seat.
It would be kinda(not completely but kinda) like putting a device on the overhead baggage compartment that ensured the safety of your bag but prevented others from accessing theirs.
When you buy a ticket it

See this is why she's at fault.
Had she only retained her composure this chuckle-worthy event could have lived up to it's true potential and been great comedy!

Don't be like that.
Beards are here for all of us regardless of race, creed, or choice in gaming console.

Sir, your facial foliage has impressed me!
I intended to make a female Titan but should that beauteous bunch of folicular joy make it in I'd be more than happy to represent you and your people on the battlefield with a male character!
Unless we can make bearded ladies...

Mind if I get in on some of that action?
I love my clan but we don't always agree on every title.
I really enjoyed the beta and fully intend to get my kill on when the final drops but my clanmates where less than thrilled with it. (said it was too much like Borderlands)
That said this is definitely the type of game where

Altruism is NOT dead!

That was nothing short of magical!

"I can't remember the last time rape and sexually charged murders towards men were portrayed in games"
FarCry 3 had a young man held captive and raped in it.
The implication was that it was done repeatedly over the course of many days as well.
That is to my experience the one and only time this has happened in a game.

Your Imajica reference has warmed the cockles of my weary and blackened heart!
Bravo to you sir/madam!

I appreciate what you said and by some degrees I agree with some of what you're saying.

I would like an updated PS4 return to both Colony Wars and G-Police please!!!!

Edit- WITH CO-OP!!!

Cuter by the second.
Just... Adorable.

Look, man you want to have a discussion that's fine. But don't be so arrogant as to think you can tell me my consistent life experiences are in my head.
And don't come up here and think you can tell me I'm stupid for those experiences simply because they go beyond the scope of your

It's cute that you don't get what I'm saying but think you do.

Man... just use Google.
There are plenty of well researched, well documented facts to support what I've stated.
I'm sorry you think America doesn't operate the way it most assuredly does.
The very president you mention as some kind of weak proof of the lack of a culture of active bigotry in America has even launched

Oh well you got me there.

And yet Black people have been classified on sight for as long as.... well pretty much forever.