
Original Tomb Raider - The first time I saw Lara drown really got under skin.

Silent Hill also hit me with it's utter loneliness. The visuals and setting are unsettling enough but I found myself really moved to dark places by the sense that I was truly alone in my experience.
Even with the occasional run in with a

You want to argue semantics that's all you.
Suffice to say... White folks have it better than Black folks in almost every social setting.
End of Story.

You're welcome to use as much historic and/or statistical evidence as you see fit to prove me wrong.
I'll be right here.

As a side note I appreciate immensely

Let's not be obtuse.
White people are the ruling class.
I know it.
You know it.
Everyone knows it. Hence— "On top"
That's not to say there are no impoverished or suffering white people but when's the last time a white community had to protest yet another unlawful execution of one of their teenagers?
That's one of those

I'm really curious about this.
I'd like to see what it can handle in terms of some of the newer game titles that tend to push hardware.
As a lifelong console guy with only some oldey timey pc gaming exp I have to say I find all the tech options a bit intimidating.
Honestly I really don't speak the lingo so when I hear

Sweet Crom in His mountain this fucking game....
I haven't been this freaked by a movie, book, game, etc in decades.
Anyway I got the first laugh by staring at the clock til the midnight chimes, then the ghost sounds started and I didn't move til they stopped(still staring at the clock). As soon as the ghost left I

Wait who was the big dude with the ax who helped out with the werewolves?
Are there NPC's who aren't trying to kill you in this or was that another player?
I've been intentionally avoiding info on this as I want to go in a bit cold and be surprised.
Is there a co-op element here?

Yeah that's just spooky.

I dunno...
It's not all that dissimilar to that woman who made an oddball OKC profile and answered messages in crazy ways just to see if guys would still want to sleep with her.
Actually this is nearly the same thing.
She was praised for it though.
So I guess that's different.

The thin-fingered chemist is my favorite.
I keep picturing some kind of oldey timey mad scientist type.
When he did talk did he say things like "Oh they laughed! Laughed at my experiments! But I'll show them! I'll show them all!!"?
More to the point did he use phrases like "Rue the day" or "Sweet revenge"?
Because if he

And with that comes the best internet dating advice one could give.
Well other than "if you think he/she might try to kill you than don't go"
But for sure the overly long message thing is just a drag.

Yeah my last boyfriend was a lawyer.
Everything had to be so damn specific. If I recall correctly our last conversation was something like...

Him-"Well what are you and Monica Bellucci gonna do?"
Me-"Go on vacation maybe? Let things go from there- I don't know!"
Him-"Well you have to put that down."
Me-"Seriously!?'(I look


I fear commitment.
It's one of the reasons for the mandatory "Get out of relationship for JGL" clause.

To further illustrate I will also direct you to the "Get out of relationship for Henry Cavill in a Superman costume" clause, the "Get out of relationship because Hugh Jackman wants to go full-tilt Wolverine on my ass

He's just kinda dreamy...


Yeah me too. My gf knows and accepts that I may one day leave her for him.
Also- Hi, cheerful_ex!

Lazy-ass eagles could have at least flown them like half way and then they sneak in on foot.
Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

Why do you find it irritating?
I quite like it.

Wow... I actually remember that when it was new.
I'm Ooooooooooooooold!

I tried!
I really really tried!
But I just couldn't get in to it. There was nothing really jumping out at me as glaringly wrong but it just never sank it's hooks in to me the way say... Evangelion or Black Lagoon or Samurai Champloo or FLCL did.
I dunno.... I've been looking at anime since before anime was a word in the