
I still say Demon's Souls was the toughest of the bunch but dang...
I've died... A lot.
I actually decided to scrub my save and start over and I'm feeling much better about the whole thing now.
I'm about 5 hrs in and no deaths yet.
Which is honestly more a testament of luck than skill I think. But I am a vet at this

I know I'm in the minority but I enjoyed Samurai Champloo way more than Cowboy Beebop.
I loved the characters and the thoughtful exploration of their stories and the choices that lead them to each other.
And the ending... just an artfully balanced mix of sword swinging badassery, revenge, redemption, and true friendship.

I find your philosophy most agreeable!

I'm an adult, I have a rather amazing brain, and I buy games at GS.
Wacky right?
I like the staff, I get good deals, and... and nothing really.
Not sure I really need any more than that.

Just curious. How have you been ripped off and/or screwed over there?
I've always had good experiences at their stores with one exception

Seems like he wasn't really all that pissed.
Dick move to be sure but for all I know they all do shit like that to each other all the time and its part of their bond.
Personally I'd have hid the kessel run champ, bought a brand spanking new one, left it on the table, and pretended I had no idea what he was talking about.

Well I hope this kind of testing doesn't lead to lowest common denominator AI standards.
I'm of the school of thought that the smarter the AI, the more I'm on my toes, the more fun I'm having.
I get off on tension in games. I was never happiest than when playing Battlefield 2 Bad Company online. I'd be hunkered down in

Ok seriously.
Is there some kinda law against attractive men in Japanese porn?

Well shit...
I really want this but I'm not getting cable.
Why can't they just make it a stand alone subscription for Go on consoles?

Is Shipp playing Jay Garrick?
Because I would also be cool with that

As a big time Flash fan I have to say his origin on Arrow was pretty god damn geek-wood inspiring

I'm a very long time Flash fan.
He's been my favorite since I was a wee lad.
And this... This I can roll with

I like the multiplayer.
I like how the cops are a significantly larger threat than in earlier iterations. And I'm cool with the ranking system as it gives you a little something to work for.
But! A classic open mode would be pretty damn fun.
My clan and I used to get in to no end of fun and trouble in GTA4's open mode.

You, sir have warmed the cockles of my heart!
Zork... Brings back memories of being 12 years old at summer camp and wasting many beautiful days typing away.

This is true.
Things like cat calls and behavior like this guy in the letter here... I've seen that type of approach work. A lot.
It's always a real WTF moment to watch it go like that.
But there are creeps on both sides of the gender fence. Those are exactly the kinds of women who dig on those kinds of men.
Someone for

Yeah I'm actually dealing with an ex right now that's begun sending unsolicited nude pix pretty incessantly.
I don't want to get rough with her(verbally I mean) but she's not taking no very seriously. It's pretty friggin irritating actually.

And I've actually done exactly as you said. "Loading my last save"
After a

Yeah that part surprised me too.
It was like she suddenly gave hope to manipulative assholes the world over.

That's crazy about "Too Old For This Shit's" letter.
I'm a man and a complete and utter pervert(proud of it too!)
and I would never ask for sexy pics from someone after a first date!
Seriously guys do that?!

Well that you are considering chasing and ending someone else's relationship for what you want should be a hint at some inherent selfishness going on.
Obviously we don't know each other but hey that might not be a bad place to maybe start

In the words of the mighty Humungous...
"Just walk away."
It's bad country where that leads.
I've chased married woman and been the other man and none of it ever EVER ended well.
It's not something you want in your life.
Trust me. I'm a stranger on the internet.

Oh thank god!
Seriously, man I've been living on ramen for like 10 years here.