
As a result of my awesome cultural background I get reduced and objectified in some way virtually every time I step out of the door.
From there I have a choice. I can hulk out on every person who does so (whether they do so by malicious intent or ignorance) and make a point of making this person feel badly in return.

Hey!I I AM that Nigerian prince!
And I really need my money!!!

I like the cut of your jib!

Well that's true(I guess... sometimes... maybe...) if not overly simplistic.

You're absolutely right that no one is obligated to be nice to anyone.
I personally try to keep peoples feelings in mind because empathy and hurting people's feelings doesn't make me feel good.
This doesn't by any means mean I'm nice to everyone. But not being mean doesn't require one to necessarily be nice.
Anyway I

Well that's a pretty nihilistic way of looking at it.
Why bother having an opinion at all on anything that doesn't concern you?
And I wasn't even suggesting that it was her responsibility to safeguard his feelings.
I'm saying if she'd have said nope from the outset it it would have likely ended without any unpleasantness

But she didn't even try.
She went straight for the throat.
Because of this most are assuming it was necessary.
I wonder what would have happened if she'd have stated she wasn't interested from the get go.

I think in a lot of cases you are right but I also think people can very easily confuse meanness and name calling for being assertive.
Standing up for ones self doesn't require insult.
I guess the difference is between assertive and aggressive.

Well in the guy's corner you have a bit of social ineptitude, and more than a bit of blind, fantasy projecting objectification.
I mean how many women want to be approached with "You're just like <insert favorite fictional fantasy woman here>."?
Yeah. A nice (if unintentional) reduction of your individuality is just what

Unfortunately the sweet science is a terrifically corrupt sport.
Everything from the fixes of the past to there being no standardized drug testing and fighters who outright refuse to be tested now.
It's just a mess.

Good on you!

I just read a very good book on this topic called "Perv"
Worth the read if the subject is something you find interesting

Seems like a no brainer to add in some augmented reality.
That could really add some much needed flair.

What do you care if some stranger on the internet is a Christian and doesn't care for a couple of games you like?
It's plenty obvious that you've neither angered him, shaken his faith, or changed his mind about what he chooses to spend his time playing so why bother?
Personally I think he was being a bit hard on those

Original message wasn't intended for you...
Stupid Kinja...

B-b-but girls are scary!

Wogene, my brother you need to cowboy up.

I don't really know who she is but please.
That smile alone makes me wanna make out with her.
She's like 5 different shades of cute.

If you need to ask than you really haven't lived

Yes but that would be Burt Reynolds very own genetic filth!
That seat is now guaranteed to impregnate all but the most barren of any woman who sits upon it!