Well I hope your uncle only uses his powers for good.
Well I hope your uncle only uses his powers for good.
I'm pretty sure when all is said and done there'll be games that look better on X1 and games that look better on PS4 just like the current gen and the gen before that.
Why are we talking about this?
Trying to stoke some fanboy outrage, Kotaku?
Without even reading the article I'll answer the title question.
Because Batgirl = Awesome.
It's really that easy.
Didn't even need to write an article.
Sweet Crom in His mountain...
What the shit?
You're doing what too many others are doing. You're asking, "If you change the variables, does everything change?" Yes. If you change things, they change. If you change the characters' races, you've changed something significantly. This is information you're supposed to process quickly by this time in your life and in…
The answer to this question(and a surprising number of other questions) will always be Angela Bassett.
I've never understood how people do this.
I'm even more confused that it ever crosses anybody's mind as a sound idea.
Maybe they need to hear it from a man.
My name is 74. Zombie74. I am a man and my brain works quite well.
With these points made clear let me state emphatically once and for all...
Asking your love to marry…
You direct and succinct statement confuses and angers me!!!
I think the reason he asks that question is actually quite important.
He's asking(and this is of course my take on his reasoning) why is it if we portray a person(white) mistreating another person(black in this case) it isn't simply because the aggressor is an asshole but because the victim is black?
And this kneejerk…
Ok at this point you're just being contradictory.
If you really feel the need to dissect and counter a two sentence comment indicating that the devs were foolish to think the mostly entitled and intolerant gaming community would sit still for an obviously absent/mishandled ending than carry on.
This has long since hit…
I've learned not to assume context when it comes to written correspondence.
Anyways I was referencing releasing an unfinished product as a dick move.
I furthered that by implying that it was also ballsy considering how entitled and unforgiving gamers can be. Give us a legitimate gripe like a game without a real ending…
Say what?
Where exactly did I act as if it were a good thing?
I'm really loving the art.
The line-work is kinda reminiscent of Paul Pope with a dash of Jose Ortiz's Hombre.
I'll definitely be giving this one a go.
Anybody seen any of those douchey "we're superior because we prefer one way to play a game and you prefer another" PC nutsacks?
Place seems kinda quiet without 'em.
Dick move on their part.
What planet are they from where gamers tolerate anything let alone an unfinished product?
I love The Humungous Appreciation Day Parade!
I love The Humungous Appreciation Day Parade!
One of my goofy little reasons to stick around right now is superhero movies.
I've been waiting for competent, big budget superhero movies since I was 5.
I'm almost 40 now and I'm damned if I go to my grave before seeing Superman take it to Darkseid against the backdrop of an Apocalyptian fire pit on the big screen.