
Great article!
Good work!

Yeah it's pretty amazing we manage to live through a single day without drinking drano or something.
Thanks for the stereotype btw. That was sweet.

"But don't machete your sensible feminist heels down to flats just yet"
Nice Romancing The Stone reference there.
Well played.

That scene with Batman...
That's the one. The moment I realized terrible things were happening at DC

I'm gonna go ahead and say it.
DC looks increasingly foolish every time they publish another New 52 issue and don't say “Whoops, this was dumb. SORRY.”
Will you people please just own up to it and retcon this shit away so I can get back to reading about the characters I love without feeling ashamed and embarrassed!

I really don't get all the noise here.
This is MGS. When has this series ever been anything more than a really entertaining, overblown, often badly written pulp, super spy stories?
It's like James Bond had a kid with every Paul Verhoeven movie
It's always been loaded with absurdity be it in the form of sex, characters,

What's weird for you is wonderful for someone else.

Sexualized characters?!
In a MGS game?!
The devil you say!

I think it's one of the best games in the history of games. It really stands out for so many reasons.
I remember the first time I sat down to it I had never played anything like it before.
It was like the world of video games suddenly exploded in to a billion possibilities.

And I agree. RE2 really took the ball and ran

Yeah as much as I adore their work It always yanks me out of the immersion when the characters move about like that.
Nonetheless they do good work.

She's adorable.
Total cutey.

(The sexy bit)

Um... What billysan said.

That is actually a very cool idea.
I'd be in to that as I'm all about immersion in my gaming.

This looks fun.
I'm not much for fighters these days outside of Injustice and I don't think I'd even be playing that if it wasn't the DC fight game I've been wanting for pretty much ever.

I think I'd give this one a go though.

I love that!
It's like... Death, pause for awkward effect, cue badly placed scream!
Aaaaaand cut!
That's a wrap, people!

I'd say there was plenty to question.
Not with story or actual gameplay. All of that was great.
But boy you think they could have given the dialogue the once over before having the actors record it.
It's almost as if they threw it together on the day of.
"Master of unlocking"?

That was a fantastic reboot.
RE-Zero was a fun one too.
Dang... I miss my Gamecube.

Now playing

I think it had to do with the early methods used to encode vocals on to the disc.
It resulted in each bit of dialogue sounding like a single read line with awkward pauses in between.
And yes the original RE is the king of it all. Best bad dialogue ever.

Um... Yeah.
What Unspeakable said.