Looks fun to me.
This has co-op fun written all over it.
Now I would love a sort of limited capacity MMO version of this where you had other players wandering the city.
Forming clans Lord of The Flies style, raiding other player clan's storehouses, trying to make it to supply drops before the other clans, etc.
Make it so!
So you've finally discovered the Anti-fun Equation.
May god have mercy on us all.
That looks just awful.
I'd completely forgotten about this one. Apparently my brain was trying to spare me.
Well if you really wanted a sexploitation fight game than you really don't need to look any further than Rumble Roses XX.
It's like watching the worst hentai ever made... Only with wrestling.
Devs should have decided to draw a line in the sand and stopped developing for consoles years ago!
Or something stupid like that.
I gotta go with The Batman '66 parody as the best of the bunch.
It manages to be hot when it wants to be and Dale Dabone does a truly impressive Adam West. (He also wins for best male porn name) On another note he also plays David Banner in the porn parody of the Bill Bixby Incredible Hulk TV show.
Not nearly as good…
Dammit, Otto!
Get back to your lab! And put those creepy arms of yours away.
You keep playing with them they're gonna get stuck right to you!
It's not being a "White Knight" if you're standing up against behavior that offends you.
I don't like to hear anyone talk shit about anyone.
Obviously games can get competitive and with that can come some shit talking and that's ok. It happens.
But that's obviously not the type of talk I'm referencing.
I'll tell a…
When I played DCUO we had plenty of women in our league.
It worked. They were good people, good gamers, and I didn't see any problems that we didn't collectively cure.
If someone got abusive the first step was for a League officer to have a private chat with the mouthy offender. Usually they were made to apologize…
And just like that...
My faith in humanity diminishes even more.
I hate this insipid argument.
It's simple as this...
-Parents, if your child is under 16 or 17 and playing GTA than you are a bad parent and it is not the games fault.
-Parents, if your 8 year old has access to your unsecured and loaded firearm than you are also a bad parent. This is also not the games fault.
-Parents, if…
It's all about GTA Online for me.
I'm sure I'll dig the single player but when the Online game launches in Oct I can see myself playing that more than anything.
Well thank god we have an Asian person here!
We needed someone here who could voice their opinion on the topic and NOT be a complete insensitive racist!
<Sarcasm For Dummies!>
Oh christ that's hilarious!
Amen to that, my brother and/or sister
Sometimes when it comes to purchases you have to take a leap of faith and hope for the best.
A review score is nothing more than an affirmation of that faith or a warning to it.
But ultimately the final call should be based on your own proclivities.
There are qualities that if evident in a game will instantly turn me…
It really kills me how geeks are just incapable of enjoying something without laying out a barrage of nitpicking complaints.
It's hilarious!
It's a bunch of cool little scifi and fantasy images.
Who gives a fuck if the sniper drinks ass-tasting energy drinks or the archer strikes an exciting pose?
"Hey that fairy…
I think it's time they put this series to bed and started something new.
Not because Lightning has breasts. That's fine. She's a woman. I understand they tend to have them. Breasts don't = weakness no matter how big they are.
But because this series peaked a long time ago and it's just been embarrassing watching them…
You, sir win Friday!