
Aaaaaand.... I'm in!

Hmmm.... Browkward?

Late to this party but I just wanted to say—
Wonderful article, Patricia.
I've always been quite curious about this subculture and this totally laid bare all my misconceptions and prejudices about it.
I am totally going to the next con I can. Who knows? Maybe I'll rock a costume.
Thanks, lady!

WW is an utter badass. I'm sure she could handle Dr. Light.
To have Supes jump in and waste him makes him out to be completely unstable.
What are they gonna have him do next?
Slap WW around if she gives him some lip?
Nice going DC. Way to make one of the most beloved characters of modern fiction in to a total dick.

I thought you could play gamecube games on the wii.
All you need is a GC controller.
At least that's what I thought. Could be wrong

This reminds me more of Killer 7 than any other Suda game since.
And I LOVE(lovelovelovelove!) me some Killer 7. Can't even count how many times I played it through only to come up with another theory on just what the hell was going on.
I'm in.

Sorry I'm a graphic designer as well and am surrounded by both Font Patriots and Nazis.
Sometimes the lines blur...

It was a great game but I'd rather devs devote their time to something new and as of yet unseen.
I'll never feel the need to buy it again. Even if it is prettier

Because it was one of the methods used in the movie in an attempt to implant an idea.
Kinda obvious really. And entirely related
It's not as if there was a mention of Godzilla and someone said "Inception!"

Don't be a font nazi.
It's obviously very close to comic sans.

Why's that?
You only like the young'uns?

"Mushroom zombies"
And just like that, the video game creature to haunt my nightmares is reduced to something super mario could defeat with a single jump.

Ah Helen Mirren...
Proof that age and sexy are not mutually exclusive

It's the video MS doesn't want you to see!
Also, Soylent Green is people!
It's people!!!

Me want now please.
... please?

Like I said I don't care if you are or not. That's your business. I not calling you out.
I was just pointing out that your statement reads as such.
And since no one has responded with messages of agreement (in fact quite the opposite) I'm not the only one who sees it that way.
Carry on.

Yeah you have to know that reads as pretty bigoted.
Even if you don't mean it as such you specify him being black as your reason for not being able to relate.
I don't care if you are or not. It's likely we'll never meet. But you should know what you come off as with that statement.
And for what it's worth every non-white

I'll stick to my reliability, not having to read a spec sheet every time I want to buy a game, sweet, sweet exclusives, and plug and play, no hassle interface.
Laugh all you want.
I'll be too busy enjoying my console to even care

Well crap...
Even if it is good I'm not one for portable gaming. And even if I was, Deus EX is traditionally too complex in the story dept for the 30 minutes a day I might play on the train on the way to work. I like to dig in to story driven titles.
Ah well. Maybe it'll be on the PSN or something eventually.
I love this

I'd have traded all four of the dlc characters for four New Gods.
Maybe the sequel will be New God related with Darkseid as the boss.
I want to play Big Barda, Orion, and the Furies dammit!