Ta-er al-Asfer

yeah, I just caught that. Still a good long while ago.

Holy shit, her last acclaimed role was in A Mighty Heart, which came out in 2007!

… I liked Salt.


… k

So we can all agree that, at this point, the Castor clones were mostly a waste, right?

Can they kill off Delphine when they already fake-killed her?

I genuinely hate the wishy-washy characterization of the mother-daughter-rapist shit in the mall. The acting is terrible, and which of these characters are we supposed to be rooting for?

Really? I don't see any chemistry in a two-sided way. Sarah hasn't been capable of that sort of feeling since Handsome Father of Her Daughter left the show.

Adapting a Stephen King story where a town is terrorized by each person's individual fears isn't The Mist.

I'm OK with this show having dumbshit characters making dumbshit decisions - that's horror tradition.

Does Helena's pregnancy give this show's timeline any sense of scope? I would gather it's been, what, maybe two years since the pilot, probably less?

Oh, man, beyond Mrs. S, Art has "heroic sacrifice" written all over him.

Damn, that was deeply moving. With these last few episodes, it feels like the show is really preparing for the end, which bums me out.

Seriously. People need to slow their respective roles.

Oh, yeah, but this is at least a SFW link, rather than the porn website I linked to.

This is the sort of journalism that we need today.

You really do not want to sit in the front row during a performance.

I would put Wonder Woman above Lego Batman and Guardians.

It can be two things. I'm sure we can eliminate some of the stuffy awards-bait this year.