Ta-er al-Asfer

Honestly, if she did do it, I can't imagine her wanting to stay in this country. Can you imagine what Trump supporters would do if she humiliated him by leaving him? She would genuinely be in danger.


Nobody knows anything about her, so it's not like she's likely to be a target. If anything, she's today's hero.

"Actually if I let you meet my boss, can you suggest he let me… uh, us see it?"

It's the fun police! Everyone scatter!

Nun ya bidness.

Each one more satisfying than the last.

Couldn't happen to a nicer piece of shit.

… Fair.

Trump is a maniac, MANIAC!

Other than a brave American with a rifle, GOP Congress is the only thing that can remove him from office.

His wife is braver than Melania.

Loyal dogs, though. The only leaking they'll be doing is pissing on a passed-out Bannon.

I really hope one or both get nominated.

He's been MIA for a while. I miss that little shit.

How does this "dumb down our country" exactly?

Fucking Game of Thrones ruined everything. Even sexual assault last season!

Hopefully some major recasting.

I mean this is all scary. I'm laughing from either the hilarity or the madness, but at least I'm laughing.

Miss Graham does declare.