Ta-er al-Asfer

I see the GOP continuing to acquiesce. They had so many opportunities to squash Trump during the primaries, and they never took it.

Firing Sessions would be genuinely hilarious, way more than Priebus.

I feel like Bannon would be the one not to fuck with. He seems the quietest and most evil.

This country deserves the golden shower of truth!

She's starting to get a little too old for him. Maybe throw a blonde wig on Barron and we'll get this thing going.

Yeah, is this like an opt-out situation?

He owned a giant company, at which his wife worked. He sold it, thereby letting his wife lose her job, in the certainty that he could make his way to the White House. It ended up taking seven or so months to get into the White House, and in one week he totally fucked up his job, and his wife had finally given up on

"I done did it again, uh didn't I?" *rests head adorable on his fist*

I mean, if fucking Avatar has been nominated, surely this could.

Welp, only took him a full week to ruin his entire life. Well done, sir!

Karma tastes like gabagool.

Reince Priebus got sacked.

If my child tried pairing riesling with chicken, I would toss him to the streets for the peasant he is.

Would trip Pickle if he walked past me. Partisan AF.

If my child showed a sudden interest in drinking alcohol, I wouldn't get him a kegger for his 12th birthday.

A safety net. That's really cool of y'all.

What… what are you trying to do here?

Wait, so they're like, "Hey, if our kids turn out gay or trans, you want 'em?"

"But just please for God's sake come see Inhumans at IMAX."