Ta-er al-Asfer

I'm bummed AV Club isn't covering Claws. Just drop The Mist (which I also watch, but which is trash).

Or we just burn the White House down with everyone inside.

God's like, "Yeah, don't involve me in this."

Remember this time, last year, in the midst of the primaries, we all thought, "Holy shit, this is bonkers. It can really get no crazier than this."


I say this as cruelly and carelessly as I can, but maybe don't reproduce with with that particular DNA?

The porn star is definitely having fun with it (and why wouldn't you). I'm honestly wondering how long it will take Mooch to unfollow, if only because his current shitshow seems much more important to handle. How long exactly has Mooch been in his position, and he's already face-planted?


Rob Ford felt like a dry (well, frequently sweaty) run for the levels of insanity a democracy will abide.

Seriously. The audio must be delightful.

Indeed. It's a professional gay porn star who regularly posts nudes. I honestly wouldn't read too much into this, but it as an amusing addition to the Mooch's continuing hilarity.

We call that the Before Time now, my sweet summer child.

They're not good at much, but they're very good at hypocrisy.

I literally guffawed. Thank you.


The hotness? Yes. Right for Mindy? Hell no.

Just skim through any comment section at Breitbart. They won't be happy until Clinton and Obama are in shackles for… whatever, doesn't matter.

Gonna miss that damn show.

I imagine they'll celebrate the autumn season at the White House by burning straw effigies of Hillary on the front lawn. We're really through the looking glass at this point, people.