Ta-er al-Asfer

Can we just go ahead and change it to Douche?

Hornhead would toss in a bunch of Jesus Christ's and Goddamnit's and then feel bad about it later.

4D chess, you see.

Can you even remember the optimistic days of Obama's presidency?

The Mooch is the coked out guy at the party who just "wants to have a good time, why are you being so FUCKING LAME?"

Jesus, thank you for reminding me about this song. I loved this as a kid.

Pickle, where are your parents!?

Guys, the official White House Twitter account just actually tweeted:

Guys, the official White House Twitter account just tweeted:

It seems more like he's in mobster cosplay.

I mean, The Emoji Movie opens this weekend, so it's no wonder that this administration is poop emoji, poop emoji, fire emoji, skull emoji.

Old, shitty lawn ornaments almost drowning in overgrown yellow grass.

I think they're waiting to see how this does. They haven't even announced casting.

And that's not even the opening of the novel. The book starts when some teens gay bash some dude who then gets eaten by Pennywise.

Yeah, I always pictured The House on Neibolt as the rundown one-floor in the shitty side of town. Not some haunted mansion.

OMG I miss that show so dearly. Penny's "damn, damn, damn" might be the best part.

This ain't got shit on Marina & The Diamond's video for "How To Be A Heartbreaker."

I have too much hope that you'll finally learn to give up.

I admire your confidence, but there's no going back. November was the end.

*sighs into oblivion*