Ta-er al-Asfer

This show got real good in season two,

He's about to start work on Batgirl, though.

Seriously. Retroactively pretending Superman was a beloved figure might work in-universe, but not to the audience.

You can already feel Whedon's influence.

Remember when Drew Goddard was hypnotized by Sony to direct a Spider-Man villain spin-off?

You're objectively wrong.

This could be cool - Amy Acker deserves the universe - so I'm on board.

Sigourney Weaver using Elektra as her murder puppet is my new religion.

It's amusing watching this administration crumble.

It was not a great episode, but the leeches on the ceiling was horrifying, and almost redeemed the whole damn thing.

I don't care how attracted I am to a guy. I'm not gonna get up from him GAY BASHING ME to make out with him. Sorry.

At least the CW shows deliver on their promises. You want Supergirl? Blam, there she is! Flash? Blam, there's our Barry!

Why would you follow up a full-length trailer with a teaser?

Is Plaza coming back, though?

I do actually want to watch it, because I've heard good things. I enjoyed the first movie, in parts (I'm not watching the Dolph movie, sorry).

Sure thing, babe.

This right here. Takes so many tries, but they finally did it.

He's gonna die in like the next year, so…

Sure thing.

Really? Cuz he was fucking awesome on Daredevil.