Ta-er al-Asfer

For a bonafide superstar, it's odd that Halle has never really landed an iconic role associated with just her. Of course, she was Storm in a bunch of X-movies, but we can all agree that never really worked. They tried to give her a spin-off in one of those Brosnan Bond movies, but that failed to launch. And let us not

I'm expressing my opinion online. It's your issue if you consider that imposing, babe.

Can we not? That's my big takeaway from this? Can we just not do this show? Not engage in it, or justify it?

I'm hoping the under-the-radar shows - Cloak & Dagger and Runaways - get some love.

He's filthy rich and making out with women half his age on yachts. The "craft" might not be as appealing as it once was.

I *hate* the way trailers now have an aggressive, loud "mini-trailer" at the beginning of every one of them. It's the worst.

It's almost as bad as the way he pronounces China. "JY-NUH"

What can we expect from Marvel at Comic-Con? I'm still (childishly) annoyed that they didn't release the Infinity War teaser trailer to the internet.

I think she was focusing on this one session of stupidity. King's hatred of brown people is widely known. He fucking sucks.

Clearly lots of people care, Jackie. That's why I asked.

Welp, this just made me order the book in paperback.

I love how overtly shit-wrecked those guys were. Bee is absolutely right, they had a long liquid lunch before they got up to the microphones.

"Imagine being this piece of shit right here."

I like the idea that this version of Flash would be top dog at the nerdy science high school they go to.

Imagine being wealthy and comfortable, and that's not enough, so you have to become an entitled asshole who turns your neighborhood into a frenzy because attention is all you crave.

I've only ever seen the episode with drag queens from Drag Race, but it was hilarious.

I love this show. And Jane Krakowski is guest starring!

I love that 30 Rock spent 7 seasons on NBC making fun of NBC.

Fuck Megyn and her "Santa just *is* white" bullshit. She lives in a mansion because of the hate she spewed at FOX. She will hopefully be on the receiving end of poisonous words for the rest of her life.

Way to fucking go, NBC.