Ta-er al-Asfer

Sure thing, hun.

ALSO I really would love to know more about Cassidy's background. It's remarkable how restrained the show is having an ancient vampire on the show, and rarely does his age or vampirism ever come up.

This was, uh, not a flattering episode for Jesse. He's sort of a huge dick. Poor Reggie over here trying to get woke about the patriarchy, and he gets beaten for his troubles.

It's like a totem pole, and we keep them at the bottom. It's really just awful.

"regardless of guilt"

It's horrifying that he has gotten away with preying on teen girls for DECADES.

Dude, read the room.

There's a guy who's very pro-DC comics who shows up in anything Marvel-related and acts like a total ass. But he has smart, thoughtful things to say in the DC TV show reviews. It's like a trigger switch or something.

Yes, let's reduce her to just her appearance. Neat!

"Johnny Storm is a lighter."

Yeah, I don't care about your shitty opinion. Johansson is awesome.

…. Stop.

I think you're getting ahead of yourself. We have no idea what the Knights will be doing.

Kyle MacLachlan is still 'Showgirls' fit. Good for him.


Why couldn't you have first communicated WHY you're not a fan of this before your pity party?

Honestly, I hope you're hiding out in a bunker somewhere, because if you're that fragile, real life will be TERRIFYING.

They probably won't have much to do besides punch/get punched by the Avengers.

I loved Hickman's run on the Avengers books. The Black Order was a great group of monsters, too.

They did this same thing with Civil War. I remember hearing about the footage, but not seeing anything for months later.