Ta-er al-Asfer

Can they do Ms. Marvel without establishing Captain Marvel? She would be the first I'd want to see.

But, like, fuck Macon.

I know Hugo Weaving hated the makeup, so couldn't they just put those motion dots on his face and just CG it?

They save money not hiring an actress and just say Sue Storm is invisible the whole time.

So who do we think will die?

Does it count as an expanded universe if it's just Power Rangers movies? Wouldn't we have to include, like, other properties?

And the Zords were ugly nonsense. Honestly would have preferred the Rangers had fought Rita hand-to-hand, but that don't sell toys.

She's half-Indian, for what it's worth.

Ending it with Carrie talking was a gut punch, as I'm sure every scene with her will be during the film.

I enjoyed her in Power Rangers. I enjoyed the movie, in fact.

If he doesn't rap, I want my money back.

It was actually really good.

Can I pet your horse? That high horse you're perched upon?

I… I can't. It's not possible.


It's such an exhausting movie to watch. Not bad, but the jokes and animation are so rapid-fire that I sort of zoned out.

I don't watch Who. I live in America. I've never heard of Marshall.

Goddamnit, then I would actually have to watch this show.

Hayley Atwell

Fisk showing up in a Spider-Man movie would be the most obvious crossover.