Ta-er al-Asfer

That's a shallow reading of it. And it doesn't feel like fans are asking for the moon. Literally just Peter Parker bumping into Jessica Jones and her sassing him for a moment, would go a LONG way to appease MCU fans.

It actually gets better. There are a few episodes around 9 or 10 that are pretty legit. I think a lot of the hate is that the fights are mostly bad, the lead character is a twat, and there's a lot of wasted potential. Why am I watching a show about a mystical sect of ninjas and we're standing around in a boardroom?

It wouldn't bother me so much if Marvel hadn't literally made "It's All Connected" the tag line when they started developing the TV shows. And they sort of did when SHIELD and Agent Carter started, but now it's like they're not even trying.

I really liked Punisher and Elektra on DD, so I hope his show and Defenders, respectively, do the characters justice.

There's a fun - but unlikely - rumor that Disney is about to announce that the Fantastic Four will be introduced in the MCU via Avengers 4.

He'll probably win, too. This country is full of fucking idiots.

Since we're talking shitty summer horror shows, whatever happened to MTV's Scream? Despite my better judgment, I have watched two seasons and the holiday special. That's the best part of shitty summer shows.

Didn't he marry his adopted daughter?

Can't he and Cosby just die already? Christ. Just GO, you had your fun, got away with it, just fucking GO.

That sucks. And I honestly don't begrudge AV Club or (most likely) the parent company for crunching numbers. I'm doing my part by commenting and reading nearly every article, but it sucks that a lot of the good stuff got cut.

Did they really get rid of Watch This!?

Logic gets you killed in the mist. You should know this by now, Trix!

The elephant show will be off the chain, though.

I'm a huge Stephen King fan, so the idea of mashing all of his worlds together (a la Dark Tower) is wonderful to me.

We've all been faced with that decision.

GoFundMe to pay LaToya to review the last three seasons of Alias for TV Club Classic.

Mainly tuning in to stare at Morgan Spector, who does it for me in a huge way.

This is honestly really encouraging news. After the TV Club was cut to shreds last year, I assumed it would only continue.

Holy shit - the return of TV Club Classic!?!?!?!