Ta-er al-Asfer

Not gonna be a good look from me, but here I go:

"cretin" is such a good word and way too useful these days

Even more upsetting than considering this is figuring out who I dated who thinks of me as "that idiot I dated."

Ugh I'm dreading that.

Yeah, and I really want to get into it.

It's so bonkers. I genuinely don't care about the characters or the plot. I just want to see what crazy shit summer TV allows this show to get away with.

Peter being the "dorky kid who's bad with girls" despite getting all the girls is like how Wolverine is a "loner" but he's on like six different teams at any given point.

I figure the AI is a good excuse for Spidey to do the bantering he normally would with the reader of Spider-Man comic book. Think of it as a way to get those rectangle narration boxes or a throwback to the thought bubbles of the old books.

He would rise on my list if his villain name was literally Pimp Stormtrooper.

Dottie was so fucking great.

I love this. Thank you for sharing this little gem.

Does that distinction matter to the person on the receiving end of racism?

At some point we have to consider what effect this dipshit president is having on the general public.

Like, he seems like he's been struggling with stuff for a while now, but that racist shit makes my sympathy go right out the window.

The first four Dark Tower books + Wind Through The Keyhole are all excellent, in different ways.

Does it feel like there are a thousand networks with a thousand scripted shows these days? This cast looks awesome, and the premise seems limited. I would love to commit to watching one season knowing it will ONLY last one season.

I lose the benefit of the doubt when dude starts getting racist. That has nothing to do with addiction. Addiction just lets out what he really thinks, like Mel Gibson.

A Pence gay scandal would be the perfect addition to this delirious nonstop barrage of insanity.

Honestly, who of us hasn't?

This was the entire narrative around Obama. He was both a limp-wristed pansy liberal who needed a safe space, and also a Muslim tyrant who was setting up death panels and coming for our guns. It's an impressive balance, I imagine.