Ta-er al-Asfer

We deserve the Pee Pee Tape.

"Beyond parody" is how I have seen this dipshit administration described. I would agree.


Honest to God, this is the dumbest fucking administration.

Dude, just run. I don't know what America is even fucking doing.

The Trump family are fucking idiots. We should be marching on the White House with pitchforks at this point.

It moves so fast! Calm down, jokes.

I think Marvel knows they have a giant hit on their hands with Panther. Why the hell else would they release a full trailer so early? All that footage looks golden.

It really is. It doesn't matter how wrong he is in that moment - Bucky is a victim, after all - there's something so visceral about Tony reacting to his mom's killer.

Tom Holland is really fucking great in this. He has an almost Brat Pack gee whiz appeal to him. And the rest of his schoolmate actors were excellent, as well.

They can match Logan - which I consider perfect - but they have to start killing their darlings.

Is… is this true? That can't be good.

The first time the Vulture grabs Spider-Man is legitimately scary as hell. He comes out of nowhere.

What a shitshow this has been. I'm genuinely heartbroken that so many Americans (but not the majority) voted for Trump, knowing what a cockroach he is.

Wish they had taken me with them, honestly.

You're born into incredible wealth and privilege, and yet you still somehow fuck that up.

Alcohol withdrawal. He was trying to get sober and healthy, and it killed him. It's just awful.

*intense eye roll*

Days Are Gone was fucking awesome, so I'm excited to dive into this.

“No puppet. No puppet. You’re the puppet!" - our fucking president