Ta-er al-Asfer


Maybe Diana can help us with our current Russian problem.

You have way more respect for the country that voted for Trump than I.

America: Where Bar is So Low You Are Inclined to Visit One

I'm with you. After Trump winning, this country is irrevocably fucked. We might as well lean into the circus aspect.

Top-Flight Whoopsiedoodle is both my porn and drag name.

lol babe I got some bad news for you

"I mean, have you seen the other guys?"

I imagine any substantial upheaval will - include/cause/result from - violence.

Even Cthulhu dropped out of the election. "This got too ugly for me," he told reporters.

Yeah. I know the idea was "forward," but it was a red arrow pointing right. Like, how did no one change that?

Since the election, the Democrats have been majorly disappointing and defeated. I'm not as confident about 2018 as others have been.

… Damn.

That sounds about right.

He usually swings by to shit on everyone's day.

This is very true. It looked like a mid-nineties adventure show.

I'm hoping we see some proper heroics in Defenders.

Wow, you really do come off like a bag of dicks. Who hurt you?

You seem oddly fixated on disliking Kathy Griffin, and outwardly hostile, which says so much more about you than anything else in this situation.

Scorching hot take, buddy.