Ta-er al-Asfer

I mean, at least Quicksilver in Ultron had a character arc.

Apocalypse should have been all about the new teen versions, but instead it was about Charles, Magneto, and Mystique all over again… until it was about Jean?

With face tattoos because… 80s?

iZombie had a much, much better pedigree, though.

She played the Big Bad in Angel season four. One of my favorite villains.

… Moon? I'm not super familiar with the Inhumans.

Of the many, many reasons I disliked Apocalypse, I couldn't handle the tonal whiplash of Havok dying/the school blowing up followed immediately by the whimsy of Quicksilver doing his pop music slow-motion thing. It was the worst.

At this point she has to passing on these superhero movies, right? She's such an obvious choice.

Try Hannibal. She's soooo good on that.

2 episodes out of 207. Jesus Christ.

but without Gina Torres!

I don't see ABC sticking with this long enough to let it grow like SHIELD eventually did.

Good. I don't even watch the show, but a platform like Netfix is idiotic to let one of its products end unfinished. Why would I want to start watching a show on Netflix if I already knew it gets cut off midway through?

Curse of Chucky, the last one, was surprisingly good. Somehow Mancini managed to make the franchise scary again, so I'm glad to see he's still going.

It is. And I think checking the headlines less often would do every American citizen some good for mental health, but then there's always the fear that you'll miss something important. It's been exhausting since he announced his candidacy, and it has been excruciating since he won.

Everything is stupid and terrible.

That's horrible, I'm sorry to hear that.

"I mean, what if he got back with Katrina, and they broke up again? You know how them black folks can get…"

When was the last time there was a protest the resulted in smashed windows or, Jesus, a burnt car?

"Please go out and shoot liberals" would have been more concise, but whatever.