Ta-er al-Asfer

Hopefully it means they'll stick with Agents of SHIELD, which is coming off a truly stellar fourth season.

This is really so gross, and I genuinely can't believe we've somehow gotten even lower as a nation. It's truly insane.

I honestly can't believe Marvel looked at Iron Fist and was like, "Yes! Let's give this guy another, even more high profile project to lead!"

Do you think Legion will ever introduce mutants that… look visibly mutant (Nightcrawler, Mystique, various X-kids)?

If Daisy never meets these Party City-looking MFers, I'm gonna be so annoyed with ABC.

If you can't even afford to animate Medusa's hair, why even bother with this project?

It's like he thrives on being an insufferable prick.

Calm down.

I can't tell you how much it sucks walking downtown Chicago and seeing his big fucking name slapped on a tower in the sky. I hope everyone who lives there has to deal with trolling.

I'm curious - are all of King's works owned by the same company? Or is it a Marvel situation where they can only include so many different books, while others are currently being held by other companies? (ex. no Fantastic Four or X-Men in the Avengers)

Well, if he enjoys piss so much, the toilet is where he wants to be.

It's not really a Newswire, though. Good Job, Internets are basically fluff nonsense.

This article alone justifies every single Good Job, Internet!

Just seeing A24 at the beginning of a trailer gets me interested.

It can be two things.

Try Supergirl. Both she and her cousin are great on that show.

Because he wasn't already unlikeable enough in Man of Steel and BvS?

Honestly, it might be an excuse to introduce Nightwing to take over for him if Affleck is looking to jump ship.

And the first time he ever got scary-jacked was for Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle!

This season somehow surpassed last season, and I'm not even sure if that's possible.