Ta-er al-Asfer

His career is so weird. He played 2 *different* characters on Sex and the City.

Yes. Yes, we do.

Affleck seemed so enthusiastic about the role when he first took it, and less and less since then. I'm curious how he'll be in Justice League … and if he'll ever actually be in a Batman movie.

He really is freakishly attractive, so if he has to take his clothes off, I suppose I will grudgingly watch. And watch.

I'm tentatively enjoying The Mist so far. I just hope this show doesn't go full-Under The Dome.

I love how X-Men literally represent diversity and the movies are like, Hey, let's focus on Charles, Magneto, and Wolverine - three white dudes!

These SHIELD kids are gonna have to win the surfing contest to raise the funds to keep the land! #Hang10

Imagine paying money to see those costumes on an IMAX screen.

Yeah, there's a bunch of wheel spinning until something major happens about 3/4ths of the way through that initial season.

I wish JK Rowling and the movie studio had left the franchise alone after the last book/movie. Fantastic Beasts was awful and Rowling's extended online universe hasn't done anything to make the franchise more interesting.

… Christ

Thank you for this.

How many half-assed excuses will they give to keep Jennifer Lawrence and Nicholas Hoult out of blue fur and scales?

That's horrifying.

Just as long as it's better than the dumpster fire that was Apocalypse.

They had other hits?

SUCH a great song.

"Never Ever" by All Saints

… Feel better?

Neat story.