Ta-er al-Asfer

Had to lower yourself to that insult, I see.

When Buffy abandons the Watchers in season five. It couldn't be any less subtle.

It's also a really fucking offensive read on Willow's sexuality, and nothing on the show suggests it.

It's textual that the men attempting to lead them are flawed and that abandoning that system of leadership is better for the female characters.

It's an unconfirmed script from 2006. Calm down.

"women who turned evil after turning away from men"

Truly the dumbest mischaracterization of a script. And a disservice to the actors, particularly Scarlett Johansson, who sold the hell out of the character's tragedy.

I think it just makes me angry that we can't celebrate art while also moving forward. Buffy and Xena were awesome! And also we can do better (and be more representative)! We can do two things!

I don't disagree with you at all. His influence on female characters is rigid, sure, but it still matters.

And Agent Carter is an unspoken gem of a show - so good.

"Ahh, shit, he got in?"

… wut?

I'm just so baffled that we've gotten to the point of burning Whedon at the stake for "not being a perfect feminist."

May he burn in hell.

Only in my fan fiction.

They mostly called him, "Dear God, please don't kill me!"

… Don't do this.

Christ, I thought shitting on Joss Whedon was The Mary Sue's purview.

Do not try to lighten the shitpile of the new Kinja system. Don't pretend it will be anything other than awful.

I'm honestly shocked her character survived.