Ta-er al-Asfer

Gay Twitter has ruined "Cut to the Feeling" for me.

How does Emile Hirsch still have a career after choking a woman out in front of dozens of people, but Winona Ryder disappeared for over a decade for shoplifting?

I don't watch this show, but I would be interested in the cast making some sort of calendar spread.

Watch and find out. It's already a critically-acclaimed pop culture juggernaut from last year. If the hype didn't get you to watch, I'm not sure what else will.

Because it's good.

Honestly, I was OK with that, but at that point Magneto had committed global catastrophe, likely killing thousands of people, and by the end of the movie Xavier's like, "Hey, bud, you're welcome back to the school any time."


In the movie, his powers seemed to come and go depending on the writer's mood.

And it was the same writer-director team from DOFP, which I absolutely adored.

X-Men: Apocalypse was a dumpster fire, and then Logan was perfect, so I have no way of knowing what FOX will end up doing here.

I hated the scene where, over the course of a car ride, the men 1. suggest women be used for breeding, 2. include the wives, and 3. call it a ceremony. It was clunky as hell to suggest the entire structure of the handmaid society was decided like that. It was like the writers wanted to show us, but just half-assed.

It doesn't, actually. The big hero battle is in the middle of the movie. The climactic fight is a brawl between three people. It's fairly low stakes for a Marvel finale.

… Ok, you do you. We'll be over here enjoying movies.

It's weird for you to make a blanket statement about superhero movies when you haven't seen a ton of them.

Captain America: Civil War

Who hurt you?

It was… a shitty event with some lovely art, I suppose. But the Inhumans were so clearly in the wrong that it was baffling to read it as if this were a balanced argument.

I'm not really spoiling anything that he dies, but how he dies is important. It's laid out between 'Death of X' and then in 'Inhumans vs. X-Men'

The best DC movie since The Dark Knight, maybe.

He also just had a kid! How does he have any time to himself?