Ta-er al-Asfer

But he's dead now, too.

It's like they're completely incapable of admitting that Trump screwed up, even a fucking spelling error.

That's really nice. It's nice to read a decent story these days.

So I've been out of the dating pool for a while - white, gay male of 28. Depression/whatever bogged me down for a while, but I'm ready to get back out there. However, I won't be interested until I lose a few pounds - it's a comfort level thing.

It wasn't even intended to be a political statement. It was just a prop head they had with dozens of others. It was such a silly controversy.

Yeah, she might as well have leaned into the stunt.

And yet he makes me hard.

Wonder Man, starring Chris Pine talking to someone offscreen!

dis good, I like dis version of u

This is why I'm so frustrated with Brian Michael Bendis bringing the original five teenage X-Men to the books, letting them overshadow all of the many interesting teen mutants that have been introduced since Morrison's run.

This is one of the films biggest flaws with the movies. The main players were mostly straight white men who had no visible mutation. Like, poor handsome Charles with his vast inherited wealth and immense power!

lol that fucking show

Her shtick was mildly cute when she focused on celebrities, but this was some thirsty bullshit.

It's fucking obnoxious that Griffin pulled this shit, because it's the perfect distraction from the clusterfuck of Trump's administration.

I haven't revisited season four since it premiered. I'm all for more AD, but they should only make it if they can get the whole cast together in the same room, even if that means it's like a four episode season.

Birds of Prey came out about 15 years too soon. It would be pretty great if it premiered on the CW now.

Looks cheap.



F4ntastic Four: Failure, Fiasco or Secret Success?