Ta-er al-Asfer

She lives for drama, after all.

Scorching hot take

I don't understand how Lupita isn't the lead of her own action franchise by now.

Yeah, that was colossally stupid. That's the sort of shit that would get literally anyone else fired from their job.

The coloring is fantastic.

Nobody wins with that shit, least of all actual transgender people.

Incubus' 'Morning View' is one of my favorite albums, for what it's worth.

I'm still really sad about Marvel shuffling her off AoS only to shitcan the spin-off.

Can't believe we're still paying for her to live in Manhattan. Fuck her and her stupid shit family.

Calm down

I'm so bummed out. How the FUCK didn't Alexis end up in the bottom???

Your orange overlord is going to get impeached, sweet pea.

What a dick.

Fine. He dies and his daughter and son-in-law can rot in jail.

I'm hoping he dies soon after impeachment, like Ailes after his firing. Let him stew in his failure and then fucking go to hell.

WGN's The Glad Father, coming soon

I'm assuming at some point in the near future Breitbart will get its own cable network, and all of this shit will be amplified.

Tough shit, kiddo. Go bitch on Breitbart.

Pot to kettle.

Oh, sweetie, no one who uses "libtard" can be taken seriously. Sad!