Ta-er al-Asfer

Grown-ass women acting like teenagers. Sad.

He's going to get impeached, sweetheart.

Shut up, Ricky.

If that's the case, Trump and my student loans will be dead by tomorrow!

It's nuts to think about how terrible Thea originally was, considering how great she is now.

One of my favorite story-lines was the Laurel-Nyssa friendship. The fish-out-of-water aspect for Nyssa was great, and it gave Laurel a friendship she never really had with Thea or Felicity.

Gosh, you're still going. That's, well, that's cute.

Your words, kiddo.

She was excellent on Alias.

So you're confirming your own inadequacy and entitlement. Well-played.

My semi-annual "It's A Shame About Jennifer Garner's Career" post.

They should give him a Netflix show where he drives around the country fighting Supernatural threats.

Be honest, how many women have you date raped?

It really hit me deep in the gut. It's a very sad movie.

Sure thing, buddy.

Totally agreed.

Fringe - an underrated GEM of a show - also changed up the titles depending on each episode. The final season of that show resembled the framework.

THANK YOU! It blows my mind it was the same people. Maybe Brett Ratner wore a Bryan Singer skin-suit to set every day, I dunno.

My dear Sara Lance has died roughly five times on screen, and she simply doesn't have time for this shitty trope.

It's apparently the week for dramatic renewals, especially after that shit with Timeless.